"I'm working for Black Girls"-As stated (*in the usual highly sick, immature teleporation hate skits, performed on two separate occasions, the former imitating the latter, as sneeringly bespoke by-Kamala Harris/Oprah (in teleportation regarding my racist-based torture and the antisemitism that goes with it. This could also apply to "Black Girls" who are impoverished, extremely black in skin tone, and/or any men who they need to fit into prison population quotas for private prison population increase for stocks and dark money donors**//I want "ya'll" to know that it was from this contract out on ME that put Kamala Harris into her powerful position. That means 2 aspirant candidates have participated in the torture, mutilation, abuse, poisoning, rape and slow torture-to-death contract out on me in order to gain favoritism for presidential campaign credibility. The first was Trump, resulting in YEARS of non-stop torture and poisoning and mutilation and beatings and gang rape and being literally hit by cars and attacked by hundreds of thousands of expletives while driving, in shopping centers, while walking, while getting out of my little torture chamber "room"--and this was the same under Obama. Harris has proven that she's all in with white supremacist violence replacement theory: Jews "replacing" Blacks as the main object of genocidal rage and hate. It would seem otherwise from the police state that is firmly protected in the United States, but the attacks upon Jews are more unseen and stealth than the street brutal police killings that are shown endlessly as if Blacks are the only group being brutalized and killed. //The "Jewish" husband has likewise proven that he's all in with the Jewish "WHITE AS possible" league participating with the 4th Reich quite happily, as have a host of influential "Jews" who are always to be seen with dyed blonde women, mostly, or half-Nazi spawn whom the lovingly cling onto as tokens of their affirmation of 4th Reich allegiance. The "Half-Jewish" daughter of the First VP male is the offspring of a blondish non-Jewish woman, and the hateful spite of the daughter I have seen when I wrote of the participation of Harris in this hate contract out on me, a few years ago and that her daughter is one of "those" half-Jewish Nazis fully dedicated to proving how violently Nazi they truly identify with. Her hateful, spiteful face was hacked into my social media pages for a few weeks as giggly Kamala then went off laughing to the approval ratings of the 4th Reich in her "pocket' for having fully proven that "Black girls"--as Oprah, who, along with Michelle Obama, right next to K-ala in the teleportation hypnosis hate attack upon me, all claimed that "Black girls" need to be propped up (at my expense, as the sacrificial "minority" replacement theory as the white Nazi bigots all hug the Black Nazis and welcome them to every tv show and movie circuit (i.e. The View, Oprah's years of coddling white supremacy and their problems with cooking and fashion fodder tv stuff---). Obama with his promises of "yes you can" which turned out to be, for many of the poorer and disenfranchised, "yes I can and no you can't" and that is all Obama and his admin has ever shown in the endless YEARS and now over a DECADE of his participation in this endless torture of me.
Ironically, Harris claimed publicly that she did not work to support the Black Community--quote below I am paraphrasing. Harris, also, according to Sabby Sabs (again quote below) has not identified herself as being a "Black Woman" but the media has slated her into this maverick slot to sell to the Black donor community a promise of inclusivity. My experience has shown me with "minorities' that have been raised onto clay pedestals as representatives of all the "isms" of victimization (feminism, racism, classism) that the buyer must beware. EMPTOR CAVEAT!!! I have written of my personal teleportation experience (not only yesterday when I wrote most of this post, but also the years ago when Harris left me to be ravaged, raped and poisoned and tortured to death giggling her way out of the teleportation skit until I rushed to try to physically assault her in a total drug-induced rage. She vanished, after having seen me distraught to the point of hysterical violence to get more idiot savant "leaders" off me, as the teleportation skits are at grade schoolyard bully psychopath rape fantasy racist lynch mob level, every single day by your leaders. Hillary Clinton began her assault upon me by viciously screaming in front of the Brooklyn Mafia (Pesce and DeNiro had not yet been invited to endlessly torture and assault me at that point). Hillary then teleported me to a mansion in Connecticut (because I asked her where I was) and asked me for tips on Schubert's Winterreisse appertifs, which because I had posted on Faceboook some tenor arias of Winterreise, she teleported me and asked me what food I thought should be served because she was going to have a little party with a recital of that exact piece I had posted. She asked me about how she would renovate her mansion, as I told her to add wood to the ballestrade. I write this last point in case anyone can verify whether Hillary, maybe 4 years ago, did have a recital concert with Winterreise as a theme--as any kind of "evidence" for my endless posts trying to document this endless crime. After she teleported me away, I was slashed inbetween my toes every night--tot he bone--until I began to wear layers of socks tied at the ankles to stop the literal deformation of my feet and potential loss of nerve endings in my feet. She went off and hacked onto my social media was a post of Biden hugging Hillary on a tarmac. After Kamala first was offered to me as the promotional stepping stony by both Michelle Obama and Oprah, she later returned and I have written my account of that here. Biden has constantly either promoted, or publicly endorsed the people who assault me (Pelosi, for having threatened to cut my foot off while sitting next to me, and the second time, threatening to have me killed) was instantly, the next day, publicly praised by Biden as being "the Best Speaker in history" and etc. This all ties into this post, as now the endorsements for Harris are ringing out by White Supremacy Establishment Democrats which Ms. Sabs includes in her diatribe about the discrepancies (lies) that have circulated about Harris being a "Black woman" and also many other similar topics as to the "lie" of a "minority" who will "protect the black community". In terms of "Minority women' being raped and minority men being arrested for life as prosecutor, Harris is undoubtedly going to, goosestep into the same formation she had done when she was offered me as a choice morsel of exploitation to devour.
"Black Voters BEWARE/Biden ENDORSES Kamala Harris". Sabby Sabs. July 23, 2024.
Here is the "legal breakdown" of the extreme rulings and injustices that Kamala, as DA of SF, and State Attorney General of CA, had inflicted on minorities and the discrepancies that were made in favor of (white supremacist) racist policy. Plus the fact that in the 2020 Primaries, Kamala dropped out due to lack of endorsement (at zero or maybe one vote in her favor, the lowest and least amount of support from the voters in the Primaries). She is now an unelected potential nominee for U.S. President and also in addition to this CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE of teleportation, is in the same criminal conspiracy to put incapable puppets in place for a fascist Nazi/Mafia regime (on both "Parties" operating in unison in the involvement of this social engineering Nazi/organized crime/mafia project of teleporting me and whomever else is involved in being victimized (they are working assiduously on creating more helpless victims of drugging/poisoning and murder targets of "minorities" or women or anyone who is outside of the control system, whereby every single racist white supremacy cliche is observed with no qualms or contradictions. Anyone making the slightest of independent thought or action for self empowerment who is not 'supposed" to be the apex predator white Nazi class with it's adjoining minority minion support system encircling the white trash operator for every crumb bestowed for acts of violence and/or murder/rape upon the microchipped and helpless victim/target who said NO to being abused, or who just competed and won and is too much a threat to the mediocrity and bot-like endless repetition of the 4th Reich hate white trash pig apes (sorry, ranting now). It's more than 14 years of non-stop criminal violence endlessly inflicted upon me for not loving people poisoning and murdering and raping me and then stealing my ideas because they are well-funded mediocrity puppets paid in billions and trillions to create a 4th Reich white supremacy global alliance with full inclusion of all brown and black minions. White trash included, expecting to become endowed with torture, rape and theft capability when all this tech torture machinery is fitted to every level of the white trash machine operation. That is why the poorer whites love Trash Trump and his bigot KKK/Nazi Mafia goons put into highest office replete with Ivy League educations to conceal the true ignorance and ugliness and violence and immaturity and stupid banality of evil that they truly are and imbibe and are pushing as an agenda. The lowering of intelligence and contemplation of the quality of a candidate is one sure sign of the absolute "dumbing down' of the population. Everyone who is cheering on such candidates, corrupt and rotten on all sides, is fully expecting awards, and prizes and money for their supporting rotten and corrupt lying politicians. whorewood works on both sides, don't believe the lies (i.e. heard one yesterday by Hawley that Trump is not supported by Whorewood--and yes Trump is a product of Whorewood and Whorewood has put him in power so "they" the pig ape shit who have been torturing poisoning and stealing my ideas for years having me gang raped constantly with dumb scum claiming to be "superior" because they are violent rapists and can perform acts in tv of being nazis and thugs and criminals--not actually acting. But they are all promised endless monopoly. To cater to the lie that Whorewood is 'woke" they necessarily keep their full-on support of T-rump and his fascist Bigot minority-minion packed entourage a secret.
What can I, or anyone who in the future will be slated to absolute agonizing torture-to-death in this hate system that no one will expose because so many laugh and giggle as they watch me get tortured and poisoned and raped to death. They assume it's only because of the cliches they all cling to, transposed upon me, that is the reason "why" and would never look outside of witch hunt mind programming fanaticism of group violence for any other reason "why". Everyone observing and watching on, whether silently approving or not, gets a reward for it's silence or participation and thusly, the greed factor remains as the one, solid constant as opposed to the seeming change variable factor of a black Nazi replacing a white one as presidential candidate.
Watching some clips on YouTube yesterday, confirming that confirmation process of minority minion females vying for Federal Judicial positions. The extreme racist men of the Senate who have (not all) teleported OR hacked endlessly their videos grilling people, most viciously those of "minority" appearance and affiliation. They "grilled" the Jewish men who control the social media pages, using age-old Nazi genocidal references to Jews as perpetrating pedophilia and sleazy sex crimes (most violently reacted upon by the public, as seen in Weinstein but when the blonde Nazi performers inflict much worse sexual and physical and criminal and economic violence upon me in "secret" as Weinstein had done, those who had "denounced" Weinstein under pretentious "righteous" victim Me Too solidarity have rushed to profit and join in the exploitation and rape contract--some clinging on viciously and stealing ideas for over 14 years in a row, year after year and being championed and invited to the White House by Biden. Harris was invited personally to join in, using what Oprah had said to me when she had already stolen an idea I had written of, identifying herself as some righteous fighter against a technocratic tyrannical loveless state while viciously sexually and physically and using toxic poisoning and poisoning and drugging to assault me, brining on the most vicious white supremacist Mafia performers of Whorewood to attack me (they have never stopped, right now they are inflicting a German rapist who is violently sexually turned on by his Nazi fantasies of all that he is saying and doing to me). Happily silenced by the likes of Oprah, who for all these years, has been handed Oscars and lead roles and plastic surgery by the influence of Kamala and her "Black" caucus of "strong Black women" who are extremely weak due to the need to inflict torture upon "me" as the replacement theory goes, using technology and white supremacy death squads which are usually fully populated by blacks, Jews, latinos, asians and any other darker skin shade available at the lowest price for play and inclusion in "entitlement" society of the 4th Reich.
After I had been under non-stop torture, which never stops, after seeing instantly that the partner of Obama, Mr. Biden, was probably going to be another hate-machine of racist violent assault upon me, I had hoped that the emerging Kamala candidate out of SF, a city that I had loved and had met many people very open-minded (most have been kicked out or killed in the covert 4th Reich death squad operations--my "conspiracy theory" but I believe it is extremely valid considering how vicious and sick and psychopathic each and every single participant becomes, over time, with murder capabilities to eliminate anyone they don't like who is even the slightest threat to the empire of mediocrity and subterfuge, hate and "entitlement' that has emerged).
However, in desperate "hope" which is what the politicians and their 'Handlers" use as the main leverage to get people to submit to really lying candidates, the desperation of a line-up of lying, hypocritical death-mongering fakes who promise change and deliver small change and/or nothing and rake in billions for themselves and their cronies.
I hoped that her "Jewish" husband would mean that she would have some sympathy for my situation but alas, the white supremacy Jews are fully in line with a genocidal rape, enslavement of anyone not fully submitting to becoming a vicious and mindless idiot savant performing hate acts for the purpose of a total social engineering re-alignment of a vicious and genocidal fascist 4th Reich regime; call it Totalitarian, call it Autocratic, it doesn't matter.
So, before Biden-bigot had chosen Harris, she was delivered to me and I was, in my deep sleep, drugged microchipped MK ULTRA teleportation state, told to repeat that "I think Kamala should be president" which in no way resembled my actual beliefs or thoughts. I only watched her speak during her unpopular campaign in the desperate hope that there was ANYTHING whatsoever outside of this filth bigot system. I had not realized that the entire "system" is absolutely rigged, not in the way that lying sinister Trump claims, because he obtained his huge promotion for raping and beating me and then retained his leverage by continuously torturing and poisoning me with literally hundreds of filth celebrities out of Whorewood being sent to inflict torture and hate upon me. THis has not changed, and Oprah was just one in a huge line, she had to wait a few years while the most white supremacy got in line first (shitalina the pig ape duo of prostituted plastic surgery 4th Reich representations with their Europigapeland friends pouring in to abuse and threaten and yell at me as I was more brutalized with Trump fully submitting to all Europigapeland orders--).
Because, under hypnosis, while in deep sleep state, I had said that Kamala should be president, she was then picked for her ability to dupe the public using the tech and lying fake hypocritical front that I now see as the major hallmark of Obama (I knew it before he won the first election, btw).
However, she is NOT Obama and I'm sure the Cloony/Obama partnership is looking for the most plastic of candidates who will fully entrench this monopoly of whorewood system with me endlessly being passed around, tortured and raped so the mediocrity and their nepo-baby spawn will be assured that real competition will never favor anyone but their inadequate director and movie franchises--with Europigapes and fascist Nazis and, of, the Iranian antisemitic wife of Cloony, both so fully aligned with filthy pig pitt shitalina the prostute duo---oh yeah, is there any candidate who cannot resist the Whorewood promise of endless media favorability and the endless helping paw of Whorewood "approval" as Obama has been an "entertainer" before, during and after his candidacy and the reason he is so beloved is for his entertaining f-ing Jokes that he spreads around like tinsel to a Black Sabbath Party.
So, with Krapola, I full expect more and more black minions performing the task of uplifting black Neo-Nazis into power. The surge of antisemitism is very high amongst the "elite" blacks and many who aspire for power and acceptance into this snowballing group aka the 4th Reich.
It will continue as planned. Jews who have assaulted me and proven their allegiance to antisemitism, so viciously and hatefully beating, sexually abusing and laughing along with the bigot Nazis and making insulting hate commentary about my poisoned, beaten and tortured body which none of them, with their high-ranking political positions in Congress, would even BEGIN to stop much less stop the terrorism which openly is antisemitic. For my attempts to address the sheer Nazism of the racism and hate remarks, I am confronted with Blacks and Jews violently assaulting me and mocking me for making antiracist 100% factual commentary, but because it's all been done in the "secret" enclaves of teleportation orgy torture upon me, they all rush to get their new media exposure for their compliance and then they get promoted and I remain dying from torture, poisoning, non-stop abuse from white pig ape creep men who are endlessly and viciously assaulting me and raping beating and torturing as my body, while fighting to rip cemented black death poison out of my body, cannot fight each and every single day to stop people raping abusing beating and yelling ito my inner ear using this filthy tech while the shit whores sit in chairs in rows watching on; each one already having taken their turn of abusing me for months or years without end, day after day and night after night.
My WiFi connection is being turned on and off in rapid succession. Every 2 minutes sometimes. The signal icon appears "on" and the router has all lights "on" but all is frozen and turned off when I fight to publish or type or surf.
I have thusly lost whatever train-of-thought I had to the slightest degree. I was hacked on YouTube as usual by politicians grilling candidates for Federal Judicial nominations--to be Federal Judges. The harsh grating recitation by Sen. Kennedy, who has observed my sex trafficking with glib silence and then when teleported to me, death threats veiled as only making me homeless (in a semi-paralyzed state that is murder). Growing with hate at me, but for no reason other than every single minority must submit to humiliation and the "trauma-based" mind control protocol system, whereby if they submit and then act as "force multipliers" for white supremacy (i.e. the black male who helped mutilate Emmitt Till alongside the white Southern Mississippi lynch mob originators who held offices of Law in the police and etc) but, in that same vein of power differential operating alongside the perpetrators, the candidates had to submit to insults by Kennedy and Cruz and Hawley--outright yelling at them and saying that the "worst" of a huge "bunch" of the "worst candidates" were all clumped together for a few hearings on nominations. The bottom of the barrel. The women, all dark-skinned or dark complexion, who had been working as judges at lower levels of court systems, one for the Southern Poverty Law Center which was lambasted as a highly racist and discredited operation by the Senators who support Trump's illegal claims of voter fraud--all dismissed by the 60 various court hearings that claimed otherwise.
However, every single woman who sat at the lashing bench of the slave quarters of the Senate Hearing all said, literally, the same exact response as her successor with the same astonished look of chagrin and shock on the faces of the yelling and insulting white, extremely oh how white men who have all participated in one form or another (threat of rape by Cruz when I was happy that the Democrats may have won the House and I was in a good mood, and only for that threatening gestures by Cruz in teleportation) Hawley has never participated in the teleportation and Kenney one time with a veiled death threat (would become open if that cartel obtained more power in the upcoming election cycle).
The women all repeated the same phrase that, "I have not worked legally with the subject of the 2nd Amendment and therefore I cannot answer your question"--the question had been, "What do you know about the 2nd Amendment?". The answers were always, in each case, exactly the same. What I know about the minions of this 4th Reich hate organization which is striving constantly to include "Black" and other "minority "groups into it's fold, is that they must first submit to insults, humiliation and then repeat EXACTLY what they have been told to say and do. Otherwise the nomination is pulled. Without doubt that would be the precise reaction of the Senators if any of the black, dark-skinned or olive-complexion women of various "ethnic" backgrounds had instead stood their ground, and proven expertise in the general topics about The Constitution. That judges vying for Federal positions could not answer the most brief examination questions pertaining to the Constitution on any level, and all constantly repeating the same thing, "I have never had to adjudicate this issue in my years of being a judge at lower levels of the court system, and therefore I cannot answer your question" to the shocked look of grim disdain and sometimes yelling admonition by the Senators whose aim in attacking me is to destroy me because I am not "submitting" to just rape, torture, attempted murder by some sleazy sick fascist Nazi Mafia bigots who think it's "fun" to poison and then rape the poison into my body until, as I was told by the actual real "Italian" who was the manager for Stallone's club in Miami Beach where I sold cigars--in teleportation after years of attempted murder poisoning--that they wanted to put me into a coma and then teleport and rape me. What fun it was for them.
If you look at Breitbart today, you will see the endlessly filthy and disgusting DeNiro photographed for his full support of the Harris ticket. Always first in line with the endless VIOLENCE he and his group of mafia goons have inflicted upon me, supporting Oprah and Obama (Oprah with Michelle in the paragraph above, if it has not been totally rewritten or partially deleted as to be unreadable)
always at the Oscars, at least one time having stolen ideas for a concept for the Joker movie--all those f-ing years of his endless torture of me; now they have a German rapist abusing and beating and raping me daily because "it feels good" for him to receive a huge promotion into the mafia Nazi fold of the United States, with the full welcome of Obama (German-loving Obama) and Oprah and of course, Harris. The exchange is probably enormous as the German male claims he is very wealthy.
Of course, DeNiro could give a damn about either Biden nor Harris. His true allegiance is the Nazi/Mafia cartel which is fully in his orbit of his NYC partner in crime T-rump and that concentric circular sphere.
The other two featured today in the Breitbart story about the assumption of Harris into the running position with all that $ being poured into the Black Nazi caucus of the Democrat Party, was a leading "Jewish" actor who also hacked some of his movies onto my media and tv (it sounds delusional on my part, I have tried to detail how this hacking/triggering and then teleportation by each and any politician, news media anchor or anybody whose movie or tv show or podcast I watch or listen to is welcomed to rush to join in the ever-expanding torture cartel for profit and promotion, including into candidacy for the White House--from both sides of all the sides of the one-major fascist party of the 4th Reich.
I expect nothing to change whatsoever. The violent and disgusting Brooklyn Mafia along with the Italian mafia which has been assaulting poisoning raping and trying to slowly murder me via non-stop poisoning for years and decades are all involved in this effort to put the "change" candidate into the non-stop mafia and Nazi profit white supremacy entitlement zone along with the extremely fascist Nazi Mafia cartel in the Senate--I only mentioned three who had been featured in podcasts for Federal Judge nominees but there are of course more--all Trump and MAGA fanatics, but then again, so is DeNiro, the Mafia, the "liberal" Jews of the Democrat Side and so is Michael Cohen, not having learned anything but how to lie more carefully and then jump onto the same Trump bandwagon and then attack me as substitute for his own "betrayal".
That's what it is, oh you babies out there reading this (using the 60's jargon of the H-wood elite as in "baby" you know? Hey baby, this is what is goin' down if you can dig it?
Thusly, the black and brown judicial nominees were forced to undergo a type of initiation ritual in which, as they are trying to do to me, the substitute for calling them "bitch" and raping and poisoning these women aspiring to power and to protect the "poor black girls" but it would seem to continue the assault on "Jews" which is couched in so many righteous Progressive affirmations about caring for the plight of Palestinians as the symbol of how blacks are oppressed (and other "minorities" blaming Jews, and then wanting to kill Jews but all programmed).
The minorities in front of the brutal and genocidal white supremacist Senators was an almost exact replica of the minority indoctrination that is constantly being inflicted upon me but in much more brutal ways using technology, gang stalking death squad terrorism which is fully sponsored and paid-for in full by men like the men I mention above--and their leaders who are just underlings for the "invisible partners" who are sometimes referred to as "Dark Money" donors.
*in the process of adding the two videos above, today (most of the post written yesterday when Biden first stepped down, the commentary by Sabs posted today)
the hackers turned the internet connection off, but the router and the signal showed both as "on"--fighting to re-establish the connection--the beauty of this concert disrupted by my usual "Goddamn" into the laptop as once more, all I do is blocked, hacked, disrupted, stolen, gone and stolen stolen by meaningless rapist hateful bigots all posing as feminists, leaders of original design for human rights, et al in both--now fully in tandem cooperation, Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood.
It will not stop with Harris as President, which I very solemnly submit will be the next President. I did a tarot reading on this in front of House Speaker Johnson and MTG, maybe last month or two months ago as MTG kept almost yelling "who will win" as I kept getting a blank for Biden and a definitive NO for Trump (which I got for all the years of him re-running for President, so far it has come "true").
I got a younger person (immature is the meaning, young in appearance, young at heart but I also would suggest immature in the sense of not controlling various emotional bursts, which Kamala is endlessly criticized for displaying uncontrollable laughter).
I really do not equate her cackling with incompetency, I consider her failure to even begin to address the ultimate tyranny of this teleportation technology and torture situation as being a direct threat to "women of color" or minorities. Instead, she has embraced the mind control tyrannical tech absolutely, and look at the "award" she has received for happily participating in oppression and racism sexism rape culture and genocidal death squad culture?!
While being touted as being inclusive of the Democrat demographic which many state is one of the largest demographics of the Dem voter success story (but so often eliminated when it truly counts for survival when budgetary concerns are more focused upon the war and death and "progress" machine of consumption and devourment of the planet.
The promise of "the elite" is what is driving "them" all. I have stated this repeatedly, but once this 4th Reich fully grasps onto unlimiated power, their puppets they used to present a happy black face will be quietly, or not so quietly put out of main front window display status and the "old world" will once more reassert total control and domination.
but the modern era will include blonde Nazis like Hillary Clinton and the Whorewood ensemble of rapist "aristocrat" posturing bigots as the "female" feminist league, with the few "entitled" Black "strong" women as their prop-up props behind them.
The Jews, of course, will continue to appear as white skinned and blonde as possible and will arrange spawning as to create more white and blonde-as-possible children just as the top "elite" of Isreal appears almost in skin and hair tone as another Northern Euro-land country demographic.
Here is the full Winterreise (with English translation) with this most extraordinarily beautiful rendition, with feeling ( mit gefuehl)
"Winterreise....(ibid from above" full version.
*Correction to the above: I am always stymied by brain-altering obstruction to writing and thinking in linear fashion--
I wrote of a tarot reading showing a younger person, which I thought was a female but it also could be a male (the card was the Page of Cups). I realize most people do not believe in tarot and/or occult predictions, but I will continue along this vein anyway--
I made the assumption above, under the mind control and the internet being turned on and off constantly while writing.
If the Dem Convention next month will be an open contest for the choice of a candidate rather than the automatic assumption of Harris to the Nominee choice, the result could be a different female or male.
Regardless, I got a NO for Trump repeatedly (and for years the same result for any re-election bid).
In another part of the Sabs video, above, the debate between Tulsi Gabbard and Harris reveals the Prosecutorial record of Harris operating with undo severity upon "black and brown" defendants" in drug-related charges. The same "Crime Bill" that the Biden and Clinton team had issued in the 90's which has created the "prison-industrial" complex of punitive infliction of the minority communities with ratios of criminal prosecutions of Blacks with (less expensive) crack cocaine possession far outweigh white (more affluent) cocaine possession.
The point is that Harrris has been a "force-multiplier" minority minion serving the interests of the white supremacy movement that Biden and Clinton have showered me with torture and violence "in spades" for all these years, in addition to the extreme cruelty and violence of Trump (or it seemed to be, but in relative comparison being poisoned to death by all of the sides is extreme barbarity and cruelty--and all done due to racism and antisemitism. I have not had any Crack, Cocaine, I have no criminal record except for one misdemeanor which was supposed to be expunged from my record but I was lied to after going through the process, upon approval, by the court system and I had a receipt of completion of the expunging of the filing, but it has re-appeared in a more dire and in an actual felony class as I have a "criminal record" which I only saw from a free "identity check" online through some website.
The charge was for shoplifting, by the way because I was told that I had to be living in the same jurisdiction as the stalker in order to file any charges. I could not afford to live on South Beach on my income, even though I was a grad student at the time so I lifted some food and some beauty products as a Publix and was caught. I got the charge expunged and the 4th Reich re-issued it as a criminal felony conviction or that I have a criminal record--
Just so state how all legal systems are being co-opted by the criminal base and how even a slight misdemeanor is used to file a charge of a felony or a criminal record after I attended a court-ordered seminar, completed it, and filed for an expungement which was never put on file instead the charge was raised in severity level by the "system".
I cannot appeal it now being so far away from the actual place.
that was a long aside, but perhaps people should take this as a warning to begin to actually CARE about the seriousness of the situation rather than seeing it as a fun game/joke and exploitation rape and get-yourself off on torturing a helpless victim where there is no evidence and then keep pressing that orgasm torture button endlessly to torture the person, poison them, and abuse them to death slowly all their life with countless minions operating as death squads, and then they are put into political position of power.
I had thought that my gang stalking/death squad/MK ULTRA situation was due to a lone stalker who had begun the teleportation and open gang stalking upon me back in 2002--when I was trying to get into grad school at FIU in Miami. I was applying for an apartment online and wrote a request to a realtor. He began using this hyped-up version of terrorism upon me which is now a promotional party zone for every candidate and aspiring A-list nepo-baby and monopoly-mongering bigot and from all races, skin color and etc.
I had zero concept of gang stalking, mind control and microchip implant "conspiracy theory" fodder at the time. So I attributed the endless gangs of Latinos (in Miami) with the wealthy French SOB who went from claiming he was working to obtain his real estate license to owning a huge blue chip real estate firm on South Beach--oddly, in a house that people I had known from Argentina used to live in. They were musicians, played soccer on the front lawn of the house, had parties and were very free and openly creative. Replaced by extremely wealthy French fascist bigots who began poisoning and terrorizing me. After many years of assuming that this was a wealthy sick psychopath, I went around the planet to stop the stalking and also for many other reasons (in the quest for health care) and I contacted the manager of the club that Stallone had owned with Steven Tyler --the manager out of Italy Nicola Siervo--and that began the extreme rise in gang stalking, poisoning until after years of telling this man to stop poisoning and raping the poison into my body, they had me thrown in jail, broke my cat's rib cage and had me tortured non-stop for months and now years, then handing me off to a succession of non-stop white racist celebrities, out of Euro-land and from America, who make open genocidal Nazi concentration camp remarks at me, beat and rape me, in front of ugly prostitutalina with full backing of Cornell West, who makes disgusting sexual actions at me and calls me nasty sexualized dirty names (masturbating in front of me) and has been promoted into being a presidential candidate. This, too, is what Harris fully endorses as she is n ow the prime candidate, representing the California Attorney General's Office and now the president.
Blacks and Browns are heaving a sigh of relief that the Crack Cocaine death sentence originators--the Clintons and the Bidens of the political planet, are out and the "Black Woman" the "First" Black woman (who makes it clear or made it clear she actually is not "BLACK" but now she is clinging onto that label so the Black victims of endless racism will vote for her.
This man is constantly hitting and raping me and abusing and insulting me and ordering disgusting attacks upon my property--endless stinking filth, endless rape with me unable to restrain the sexual need for contact that has been blocked due to non-stop abuse from loser men exalted into higher positions of authority due to their rape propensities. The shit who have abused, stolen my ideas, beaten tortured me without end in every single way possible are sitting in rows watching me give "blow jobs" to some abuser German sick fuck who is the same as the other German sick fucks who are being emulated by the American sick fucks who Sieg Heil in private but make movies about loving Black people (the actors, the Black actors, fully attacking me as well--or joining in because they got to go to the Oscars and get invited to English and Italian and French soiurees in their respective countries).
I can't stop my reactions to the all-engulfing sexual energy of this sadistic gang rape bigot from Germany because in my sleep and drugged states, sand in this stage of detox where horrific black hard poison I have managed, through years of being made so bloated and paralyzed that I could not MOVE for most days--and when trying to exercise, diverted from my own exercises by the "expert" Baryishnkiov, fully embraced by Biden for the Christmas display of Nutcracker with tap dancers very much imitating the Baryishnikov White Nights theme---but telling me to do exercises so that the endless corset of hard poisons latched into my spine and intestines and extending literally throughout my body were pulled in agonizing directions by telling me to focus on my chest region instead of the pelvis--the most crucial. Threatening me and torturing me for "not listening" and finally I literally had to physically fight Baryishnikov to get him and his rape family off me--gang raped by B-kov and the poisoning continued as he demanded that I follow his instrutions on exercise which kept me paralyzed and extremely ill while he was having me poisoned to death so the bloated huge figure my body was an dstill is he would then body shame with the blonde Nazi skanks who joined in to get their promotions--and they are all still there. Alongside them is Kamala.
So I am being gang raped and beaten every day by this German racist making Nazi-themed statements but not as overtly as a real SS Nazi would if in Germany. He is demanding that because the drugging and nervous system attack upon me I must therefore move to Germany, live with him (he claims) and be gang raped and give him blow jobs and massages every day as he passes me (now, in teleportatoin) to his friends to be "serviced" and I am reacting like I"m in absolute love mode but every time I wake up or am more conscious as the drugs wear off a bit, I am trying to figure out how not to react as if I'm in lopve with someone making death threats, hitting me in the face, calling me bitch, ordering drugging poisoning and fungus and filth be poured in my food and in my living space, and gang raping me slappi9ng sticking his penis in my mouth. I react like a pavolvian animal triggered by the lack of love, friendship, non-stop viloent hate at me for YEARS of screaming NO NO NO NO repeatdly as shit like Krapaloa comes to join in giggling and laughing--saying she only cares about helping "Black Girls' as Oprah the ape had done, as Farrakhan had done, as dirty vile disgusting Cornell had done (before he had obtained his permission to run for President) as RFK, Jr. had done with sexual abuse statements at me in front of filthy dirty Elon Musk the vile racist South African Nazi disguised by Whorewood training to appear like a "cool dude"
and on and on.
All these years of writing about this as travesty after disgusting criminal corruption is now open in the Repug party after this group of disgusting K-rap out of Whorewood handed Trump this teleportation and mind control apparatus permission, he has then handed it over to white supremacist Senators and his approval ratings have ever since been beyond Good and Evil.
Now it's the "poor minority" Black minions who are being handed the tech to help bolster their elite status as they sneer in contempt at the "lazy" blacks and browns and the most despised race by Blacks, Latinos and by other Jews, the targeted Jews the Jews slated for another genocide along with the other Blacks and Browns being slowly killed off by the prison-industrial complex bills that Biden and Clinton(s) passed and are renegotiating with mind control and death squad systematic torture and murder.
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