The Wonder-ful future of discrimination via technology and it's modernization of the old school "system": Bluetooth, a perfect terrorist hacking block to many things increasingly vital to "modern" life in our "smart" world where you can become numb because you are dumb (silenced, definition of being not able to speak). The First Amendment obliterated by Bluetooth hackers. I have even heard that there are Bluetooth technologies in life-sustaining technologies like pace-makers in hearts?
Trying o upload photos from my cameras, which are likewise hacked so every photo is extremely blurry and the picture appears like jello shaking when I try to aim. Both of my "new" cameras perform the same shaky and non-transferable camera functions, the coincidence is far from a mute point and the "conspiracy" is actually screaming out loud.
I had to literally fight with the hackers who kept remotely disconnecting my charging connection because in order to transfer files I had to plug the USB ports via cables to my phone(s) in the nearly mute point of trying to obtain a simple transfer of three photos--I accomplished it after more than one hour of literally clicking off the "charging on" and "charger off" which were bleeping into my screen, freezing all functions which I had to twice-in-a-row click to remove from the screen.
The cameras were also "slowed" down with any function until I unplugged the cable from the phone in order to disconnect the bluetooth (and also, it is almost impossible to connect Bluetooth to the phone in order to transfer files. Every function is repeatedly shut down and blocked whether on Bluetooth or not).
After more than 90 minutes i barely managed to upload three photos and then some files onto my other music player device (which I ordered without Bluetooth so the terrorists sent me one at a higher price at the lower, without Bluetooth, price just to make sure I could be hacked.
Yesterday, my bank PNC forced me to wait for fourty-five minutes to get my address changed. They kept me waiting an average of 10 minutes per small question and this, or course, not paranoid or delusional--but it was intentional. The pattern persists on all the chats possible.
they also gave me conflicting information and switched the chat rep in the middle of me finally asking them to hurry up.
They kept me waiting because they didn't answer my questions until after about 45 minutes and trying to change what appeared to be an error, which they stated was a computer security measure, but only after attempting for 30 minutes to just process a change which the chat kept me online waiting for her to make sure it was done properly after I submitted it.
My brain constantly under attack the entire time.
I was doing things in my room waiting for her to respond (or him) and the cyber-terrorism encompasses every aspect of necessities for survival in our "smart" modern world.
The division between those who are just "allowed" to function in the cyber new world and those who are suppressed due to artificially-slowed down/hacked systems, blocks and malfunctions which are all done through the terror network is one of the most insidious forms of systematic discrimination that is nearly impossible to pinpoint for the average user of technology.
They can also make handlebars swivel or steering wheels, along with brakes malfunctioning,. I have had this happen to me. It is very deadly.
Just to let more people who may have access to my blog who watch me fight for my life against the viciousness of your favorite popular entertainers and politicians who are so "entertaining" in their pontificating, and how they are supporting this covert techno-terror version of discrimination and torture, theft, oh, all and every crime and so hard to detect and provide evidence for.
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