The Layer-cake, Joy Division, up-and-down of woman-hating.// It comes from both men and women. It comes from all political orientations. It comes from feminists who have the same hierarchical needs of having one group that is the slated scapegoat while they assume the mantle of superiority against violence--transferred to those slated for all the hate crimes possible. //"Woman hating left and right--Andrea Dworkin"--I cannot differentiate between which is more vehement, on the Left or on the Right. There appears to be almost no outlier of the "middle ground" as a central point is untenable for how deep and pervasive woman-hating actually goes in so many societies.

**This video is labeled by YouTube as being "age-restricted" which means that the middle-aged to senior-citizen males and their granddaughter-aged female rape cheerleader partners/wives, bearers of their children and their children they "luv" may not have the capacity to deal with the content of this video because it will shock them out of their childhood ego-driven "I want" stages of mistreating women because they observed their daddies abuse their mommies who had no recourse to protection and were abused for fighting the system that the Senators say is attacking me, which they are so "proud" of. They return to their mommies who seem to not have a daddy around, where is he? Was he killed surreptitiously by Mommy who could not get away from the abuser because there were not safety-nets available in the "system" these men grow up to be "proud" of. But they cling to their mommies anyway all their lives, trust me. And, this video may be too "adult" for them so warning warning! Beware it's a feminist thought process analyzing what you take for granted, as your entitlement. The real concepts that are so "terrifying" for the Nazis are: GENDER AND RACE. Yes, I am of the "race" that the 4th Reich has deemed to be in the abuse section of the Joy Division and the bigot women and their subordinate minorities (temporarily or as icons representing at a ratio of about 1-in-a-million who are destitute and not able to get a chance, now chances are lowing in every way possible).

 "Woman hating left and right--Andrea Dworkin". feminist vhs. March 21, 2022.

The women most engaged in pushing me down, are the most commonly seen in film and media pushing women's "equality" and chances for themselves to be put in the spotlight. They rush with violent hate at attacking me, sometimes the most prominently. Their speeches have been stolen from the now-deceased women who sacrificed and, like any pawn soldier in a war against an oppressive tyrant, especially one from "within" the society, they have been discarded like unknown soldiers and replaced by the cheerleaders who ostracized them in the early years of feminist struggle (post-suffragette movement, for the purpose of actually changing the social structure).

There are lines and divisions.

The points of breakage have been very strongly pursued for the past few years in accordance with the U.S. Supreme Court's rulings on abortion and Affirmative Action. Let me tell you how many of the "feminists" in H-wood were some of the most responsible for having helped put Trump into power--which like the domino theories all go, the eventual falling of the chips fell in favor of absolute white privilege and male domination albeit with the "privileged" white females and their subordinate assistance of all races being "allowed" and perhaps temporarily, a chance to have some "power".


part of the absolute and total discrimination against me is in the hacking which prevents me from typing or thinking (hacking into my brain and keyboard, as this is the usual dual attack I must confront right now).


I wrote on one of my other Vignettes blogs (the first one, which I write of the actual attacks, this blog is for evaluation, or primarily this peering into the void of this dank pit that hovers over me continuously (it's like an inverted pit, where the sky is a sucking black hole and I am on Earth trying to remain here while the people put in "power" for having black spirits, souls and do black energy dark crimes (sorry for using what some may consider to be racist adjectives of black as "evil").


They havae forced me to not have a career. That the chance to compete in the market has been one of the hallmarks of the "free" society that America is supposed to represent. They've also forced disfiguration on me in order to force me to conform to the racist cliched stereotypes of Jewish women and/or whatever--only that 'they" are most beautiful. They have worked, these celebrities in particular as the time of their hate attacks has been the most disfiguring of all the expletives who have assaulted me all my life--

but also, in addition to all that, the hate from men that I must conform to some completely inadequate level of competency so their Nazi black, white and whatever else women are only considered to have superior capabilities. 

They have this stinking filth sprayed on everything and the men sneer in contemptuous delight at this system, sneering at me to "go clean now" after hours of abuse and rape and torture using this system. They are torturing me because they only want their Nazi women to have any chance at all. This would mean, from their perspective, that when they get divorced the alimony will not be so heavily burdened upon them to pay for upkeep of the discarded wives as they all believe that a non-stop harem is their entitlement and the women completely comply to this.


They are trying to force me into a completely subordinate position on all levels of society. A sex slave to bear the brunt of the sexual debasement that these rotten "men" need in order to vent their rage and hate, their hate for women, perhaps for their wives, or their mommies, or other women--and they need prostitution they need pornography that is rife with violence towards women to alleviate the internal combustion of their unnatural internal lives and styles.

The Nazi women are overjoyed to have people handed to them for free for their nasty husbands to rape, beat and torture and they love to maim and abuse women as well. As obedient loving wives to their nasty rape porno "men", they need also other women to fill these roles so they are lifted up in stark contrast.

With my brain feeling like it's being slightly crushed inward due to the remote brain attacks, the keyboard so hard to use it's very difficult to get anything out, this is the best I can do. THey are loathe to "allow" me to actually access my real potential.

They want a completely feudal racist and sexist world re-instated from the "Old World" politics. That I would have a chance to compete and beat them is so shocking and outragous to them. The hate the hate the hate and violence they are endlessly inflicting upon me to first traumatize me into providing them with free ideas--for over a decade and they never stop. Then, the hate they have for "me" all the labels they create and have been created.

I heard a quote today from a Jewish man who was part of the Confederacy in places like New Orleans, during the Slave era of the United States. He said that his departure out of the U.S. after the Civil War and then to be shocked and dismayed to see Blacks, former slaves, and carpet baggers having rule of the people was a complete disgrace and too hard for him to bear seeing. That "common" people could compete against the superior classes, he said (almost verbatim but I am paraphrasing) was too disgusting and he could not bear to see the former Slave State turned into this wasteland of blacks having any power whatsoever. He was sheltered after the Civil War by his partners in England who had been his slave trading partners for goods prior to the end of the Civil War.

That mentality remains ever-present to this day. I am assaulted by Jews on a most feverish violent level even moreso than the bigots who are leisurely almost because of their assurances by the government, by the "leaders" of society, that this is a "done deal" and the time for outright murdering people on 45th Avenue like Roman Patricians of the Old Republics is now neigh.


I had to walk away from this laptop in order to regain some of my thoughts--the attacks on my brain are an essential component to blocking my every ability to function in the online world. This block to brain function is endemic in everything I do in conjunction with everything I do, from sleep to anything connected to society or anything else for that matter.

The rotten men who force their most unwanted sick sleazy sinister selves on me in teleportation with their filthy dirty female partners who laugh and giggle as their filth men beat, rape and torture me while the women order my body disfigured, poisoned and then compared their plastic surgery-million dollar enhancement and paid of prostituted money for their societal function of making people believe that you can be "beautiful" but also a "feminist" who is "fighting" against rape culture in Whorewood and for other political entities--always with cameras flashing so you can know how much they truly "care".///**HACKERS DELETED CERTAIN WORDS, CHANGED SENTENCES AND ETC. I read through this post up to this point and see grammatical tense had been changed (I rewrote) and words were changed. I am not going to read the rest. I must also always defend against the discrediting of the terrorists who function for the discrimination 4th Reich death squad culture--your culture, not mine. And I never want to help them come into more power by succumbing to the pressure of poisoning rape beating abuse hate truth serum extraction of ideas and then being tortured for having the ideas, and then the ideas are stolen and use to promote Nazi "heroes" who "have the ideas" while the actual celebrities are doing everything to the obverse to really suppress, destroy lives and suck out all they can.**So they are destroying everything I write, but they have the original and they steal every day something I write or say or think of. The torture to get me to write is non-stop and I am now turning grey and writing posts trying not to react. every day the torture is so deadly and the culmination of it is so intense and murderous at this point. But to continue, as none of you stop them, you will all have to contend with the insanity that they truly are in the not-too-distant future. I will tell you that you will rue the day when you did nothing, as you are doing now, to stop this sick group of predatory scumbag whores and pig apes. that is the best I can label them. They have NOTHING to do with anything positive concerning humanity. Not a single thing. they are all about their selfish greed consumption and image and wealth and luxury and orgy sleaze attainment at the cost of every single thing. As long as they retain their luxury permission to do whatever they want in private.

They laugh and sneer in hate that I must "clean" as they watch on making insulting comments. they yell at me for hours every day with me enraged fighting because after 13 years of this--or 10--every single day of rape, abuse and torture through teleportation without end, day after day from the "top" layers of the cake that just has melted in the rain but it's not disco any longer--it's just pop sleaze

and anyway--who's counting the posts I have written? Who cares enough to actually care about women being raped and beaten? None of the Whorewood on any layer of the pile, no sir, not a single "feminist" or concerned "male" either.

To add to the cleaning part of destroying my career, chances, my body, my health, my cat, my cats, my animals, my home, my clothing, my finances just so only the 4th Reich and their minority minions can control and take and suck out everything they want, with increasing sucking apparatuses being handed to them by tech gurus who want more and more and more for themselves as well from this contract

a baby forced out of me, and me to lovingly have some baby with a rapist bigot Nazi abuser hater who with his dirty wife or mommy or daughter have all conspired to rape, beat and mutilate and torture me. And all so they can get more and more while they take away everything they can from my ideas, because I studied and went to grad school and grew up around creative writers and they did not. They need fresh ideas to sell of but skewed into Nazi ideology and iconography, so I am constantly being tortured by them so I shout out in rage the concepts about how sick they are according to the theories I have studied. They are only sadistic fascist Nazi bigots of all racial organizations and skin colors, the sexism is so astounding concerning women who are not blonde Nazi it is something like from a little enclave of the worst types of rapist lynch mob bigots who have never had any education.

But their blonde nasty filth wives and daughters and mommies they encourage to get all the top positions possible, as long as the men get the prime and best first and the women can be handed their temporary slots instead of being permanent sluts and that role they are trying to force upon me as a substitute for what their women-folk really are until they can steal and destroy from me.


The representatives from Congress are fully into this. No wonder that in the last few years abortion and Affirmative Action have gone by-the-by-bye. No one mentions Affirmative Action as something as woefully gone as abortion, which is the huge election motif. But that racism is not a factor any longer in hiring because some blacks, Jews, Asians, Latinos are "allowed" temporary slots into power positions--to be replaced and the "old order restored" as I see their actual long-term goal to be. But in the short-term, the women who are fighting "rape culture' who had to get their status by being "sluts" are forcing that role upon me. How they dance and laugh and giggle and are over-joyed about me being forced to play that role. This power differential is a construct created by the psycho-sick males and fully supported and operated upon gleefully by the females. The construction is to retain the absolute sexist woman-hating but to have some "privileged" women not have to bear the actual brunt, and women like me replacing "them" as the hateful expletives that they truly are, along with their nasty hateful men. Brothels permeate Nazi and fascist cultures, by the way. Teleportation is an instant gratification and torture and "pleasure" mechanism (they will obtain "pleasure" by teleporting one another but the extraction of their pent-up rage and psychopathy upon people "like me" but mostly, because I was a competitive threat, and now I am really physically altered in every way from years and years and years and years of daily nonstop torture and now I am physically fighting them trying to kill them screaming with utmost rage and hate at them that they are shit that i hope they die horrible deaths I try to slash their throats kick them in the face I try to kill them every day now I rush at them violently to get them to shut up after hours and hours and hours of non-stop abuse verbal and physical, in addition to hours of psy-torture in deep sleep teleportation to sick fuckers doing sick and nasty stupid things that are creepy, ugly and sinister and I am forced to have to be around the shit of the dregs of humanity that have all arisen up as a collective to inflict something like a cesspool of hate and mental illness upon me--and many others will be likewise inflicted.

They want me to have some baby with some rotten dirty piece of sick shit and his filthy wife wives children and their Nazi shit partners all drooling with greed to get this contract with me screaming to get off me. They have me tortured they beat and rape and it goes on and on. Screaming and violence and my nervous system is ELECTRONICALLY altered so I literally freeze and stop breathing. My hair is turning grey now, this is killing me. But my endless years of writing about being poisoned and abused to death via this system has never stopped anyone from doing to stop this.

As the hate for women is increasing, their bodies are no longer their own. The "State" can now teleport "radical liberal woke" (bitches they call women who are not subordinate but "powerful" blonde Nazi skanks/the real bitches)

the hate for women "like me" for some reason is so profound from people of all walks of life who can't stand "Jews"--as Jews uniformly attack me with deadly hate poisoning and abusing me as well--by the way and they identify as "Jews" while I really don't

but I am blamed for their sleazy and filthy subordination to being abused and maltreated as "2nd class" so they want me to be at the lowest rung of the layer cake and the Joy Division of me being beaten abused poisoned mutilated and torture as substitute for the hate for women who yearn to aspire to more than the dregs of the roles slated for women in the traditional despotic regimes where women had no legal recourse if their enforced marriages were abusive. That is the "good ole days" and now I am this woman being abused in a surrogate domestic violence scenario with women, men, latinos, blacks, lesbians, white supremacists, jews, etc etc etc.


It has taken me over 90 minutes to write this very short post. I had to open another browser which took 15 minutes to do. I had to try to copy and upload a video on the other browser because Brave had been blocked by hackers for all things I want to upload on the internet. My bank also is not working on this browser any longer--I get a pure blank screen.

The freezing of the pages and system were rampant. I just took 3 hours this afternoon (it is now night, I began writing this at 9 pm, it is now almost 10:30 and I'm still fighting to type correctly. The endless pounding with my entire might of my fingers and hands on the keys truly prevents me from including commas and capital letters--they block the shift key so things like "Jews" was written in lower-case, not intentionally but due to the struggle to get anything out.

This, too, is an extreme form of both racism, sexism and discrimination just to block the capacity to write and have my words not get censored.


They deleted much out of the paragraphs above so the sentences were badly obfuscated--they read like staggered almost non-sense in parts because of the grammar and the words deleted.

I am fighting just to pound down with all my might and fighting to backspace as the keys won't work correctly to get all this done and then rewrite after having fought to get the words out correctly in the first place. This, too, is never stopped.

The modern world wants an archaic system of a "class" of women who will be abused, beaten and absolutely blocked from having any chance for "independence" of income, lifestyle choice, freedom to do what they want

and this is so egregious for the 4th Reich that I am an independent person, not wanting to be in an abusive relationship to be abused by some scumbag creep who wants an endless free promotion by forcing his filthy body on me his disgusting wives and children on me the hate and abuse from bigot racists and of all races in fact--there is no group exempted from dumping hate on me for any and all reasons that basically have nothing to do with me or anything I have ever done to them or anybody else. Every cliche is pulled out of their 3rd rate hats like a cheap magic trick and suddenly I am a cliche and stereotype and there is nothing I can say or do to negate their hate system because they are obtaining their dream promotion out of this, so the social engineering is so disgusting in that none of them has an actual spirit or soul in any way that is related to life and respect for human beings. It is astounding to me constantly that they have relationships that are supposedly "love".But they do, and I don't. I only get hate, rape, abuse and because the dumb scum have been told to do it. I can't imagine what their personal lives really are like and if their love lives are happy, I can't believe they are capable but the release mechanism of having someone to abuse without any censor because you are teleporting them in their deep sleep state

and these psychos need to abuse someone every day. The hate they grew up with has never been resolved. This is a mechanism for people trained in woman hating to vent it out on a targeted "hate" object and they "must" and they "need to use any excuse to invent any lie and force it onto the object of "me" and then pursue a torture and rape and mutilation and poisoning system. That i say "NO" now for 13 years in conjunction with my life, body, sexuality, home, finances and health being destroyed so some sick scumbag can endlessly profit off it as they grab on violently to get this contract and I keep saying no. No. No. for over a decade and they will not stop attacking me to obtain this contract. The government of dinosaurs loves this and instructs the k-rapsters of all the "power' positions to go on and go on and go on because you are entitled to just grab and take whatever you want in your status as "power broker" of society. The lower rungs of entitlement are more barbaric until I can only say that you will rue the day when you did not stop them and this system.


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