"Artists for Ceasefire Now"!! yee haw what a great photo op and promotional chance for all the many aspiring Whorewood, I mean not ALL but many an A$$-hole participating not afraid to openly declare their humanitarian peace-loving stance (but fully have in various ways and means participated and profited off all kinds of the attacks upon me for their careers--I think I did not add a few names so there are more than 24--keep reading): (Con) Artists "fighting" for ceasefire NOW--not when Hamas if stopped but NOW when Hamas could slip through the awards ceremonies for best terrorist Nazi performers. But back in Whorewood, Awards for best B-listers performing the hate acts that will allow them to obtain lost A-list status. The B-listers, partially "A" at times but sagging in their careers have signed the promotional spectacle for Whorewood endorsement (will their agents obtain those precious phone calls to get roles to play victims of racism in the near future, or heroes fighting against racism, sexism, rape, abuse of women, etc etc? after the display of solidarity with the 4th Reich, I wonder?): "Artists for Ceasefire Now" site, a partial list of 4th Reich terrorist genocidal bigots, antisemites and minority minions: 24/TWNETY FOUR on this list; Contained with this list for "artists" for "ceasefire" are those who have partaken of what they KNEW was extreme antisemitism and yet continued. One claims to be "jewish" most claim to be "victims" of some type of oppression and others claim they are not racist whatsoever (against blacks), and in their movies. Those who claim they are not racist against "blacks" are always with blonde "arm candy " on their arms hugging them at the awards rigged contests which they obtained by terrorizing and abusing me in teleportation (and elsewhere as the attacks are so circuitous and a circumference is always issued around me with rotations and cascades of celebrities and politicians and etc).

The letter (contained in the link below, I renamed "yada yada yada plus yoda) is addressed by the less-Oscar listers (except for a few, and some of those really will not re-appear next year but be assured the most violent of them towards me and their demonstrations of antisemitism has ensured they will CONSTANTLY be re-invited to the Oscars and to all the major functions necessary for a continuation of top level career) and all directed to the progenitor of Nazi promotion via terrorism aimed at me (and many others no doubt) to the dear president I have been writing of lately, after having written about the previous one in more dire tones, a stepping stone or stairway combination to the "stars" of Whorewood to get out of B-grade status and ignominy of having lost the monopoly status for all these years. Too bad there are not awards for best/worst president awards for all the living carcasses that remain alive to this day in the President's chain linking terrorism from being an artificial concealment to an open Whorewood celebrity promotional cornucopia of racism, hate and hypocrisy.

Here is the list, under "yada yada Yada"

"Yada Yada Yada" Plus "Yoda"  here is the exciting list of wonderful benevolent despotic performers who have turned "woke" into a "joke". The truly deplorable ones are not listed, as they are so entitled from over a decade of literal murder attempts and rape and abuse and mutilation without end inflicted upon me, they have no need to sign this petition calling for the Jews to drop dead finally and for Nazis to take-over the territory--as performers they are concerned about this wholly and they hope the Jews in Whorewood all flock to Israel to be likewise eliminated from Whorewood to the Sea Whorewood will be Jew-Free---that includes the "Jews" who have signed on and have attacked me. When the 4th Reich theme park of white national Christian Identity and British Israelism and Evangelical fanaticism opens in a few years somewhere in Israel, the franchise will eventually make it's way to the shores of Cali and some of those who did not even make the B-list petition above will be hired to play all the characters of the theme park. Jesus, Pontius Pilate will be one of the preferred roles for them to play (plus sadistic Roman soldiers). 


"Only" one on this list has violently beaten and raped me, of all the expletives out of Whorewood who have done this. He and his partner (his wife) obtained twin roles in an upcoming film, which appeared on IMDB a few months ago. I have not seen this actor starring in mainstream movies for years and his movies were, "indeed' hacked into my media portal (cable tv channel before I began to try to get rid of the onslaught of hacking movies from terrorist celebrities on cable--now my internet is packed every day in every way with symbols of the terrorists and their movies (i.e. a Panda bear has been put on a screen for Windows which was not there, etc).


Of the 24 that I skimmed through on the list, the hackers froze the page constantly while I was scrolling down. I have no idea if they got into the template and deleted the other names I would recognize. I have a suspicion that there may be actors on this list (or "artists") who have participated but I could not recognize them.

Every single one, the black "feminists" the black "lesbians" (one of whom stole ideas almost verbatim from some ideas I wrote on Facebook, teleported me with smug glee but was not violent or nasty just exploited the contract, almost nonchalant but has not stopped being featured in red carpet although she is not truly being put into lead roles as much as formerly years ago.

The list goes on and on. One is a "lesbian" who threatened to physically attack me and that she would 'get" me and not to go to L.A. ever because I criticized her performance for a SNL skit I found to be highly eurocentric and also sleazy. As per usual, she came threatening me for any critical review of the k-rap as she was then, within a few weeks, promoted into being the top critical reviewer of the Berlinale and also one of the "spokespersons" or "faces" for one of the major beauty lines in Euro-p land---maybe Chanel--(so typically Nazi).

and the awards have not stopped for her.

It is not surprising but I wonder where the endless list of the decade of them all are now? Many of them have to pretend they are not antisemitic because Whorewood has not completely been taken over by the 4th Reich white supremacist death cult, and there are still "Jews" in prominence to which many celebrities must put on a good face concealing the violent racism, genocidal anti-semitism. It really does not matter anyway because it is clear to me that many in high positions know extremely well what has been ongoing with the A$$-list hole and approve of it. The violent genocidal fanatical Nazism of "Jews" put into high political and celebrity position, all the way down to the lowest level, is extremely violent as their need to be approved of is at a level of fascist violent murdrous rage that they inflict upon me if they ever can prove how amenable they are to Nazi ideology of genocide against the Jews.

Another one violently smashed items on a table in front of me, implying that he would do it to me. He is part some Northern Europ-a-land heritage (his father) and "won" an Oscar later than year, along with the group that has been promoting all their "Friends" into top positions along with themselves as part of a unifying monopoly that is still in effect, as they are all still attending the Oscars or in frontline positions, very few new faces welcomed into the clique.

Another one claims to be "Jewish" and did the fascist yelling and abuse tirade at me just last month (or two months ago). Signing this letter as a "compassionate" person caring for the plight of Hamas or the Palestinians--I'm sure in the very near future she will be starring in some huge big budget "comedy" in which she plays a yelling older woman going through some silly life experience as "comedy" (self-abnegation is one of her big performance signature items to which the other antisemites love and adore her for. She began telling her partners to yell the same insults at me because I told her that she was playing into the antisemitic hate iconography of Jewish women who are suppoesd too be frumpy, loud and obnoxious as a cliche. She began having people who need to recoup t heir latest investment flops --which they confided to me was the reason why they were violently attacking me and "needed" the contract--but they began yelling at me about how my breasts were saggy--because this woman made self-depreciating jokes as part of her routine and under hypnosis I was asked if I "liked" the performance, I said "no" I was asked "shy" and I said she was playing into anti-semitism.

Right now I cannot get into further detail due to hacking and disruptions of the keyboard but she went on with insulting her children, her body, and turning all into what racists love to see, which is very often women of a minority group learn self-hate and turn it into a joke so they are laughing along with the perpetrator.

How the English love people like her. (She is "American" but I can assure you she probably lives most of her life in places like England and France). Her performance of abuse and psy-torture of me undoubtedly has "won" her new roles due to her sagging career and also her breasts--I supposed not sure I have not checked on that but she made jokes about it so I only write it now as part of the "joke" but it's not funny whatsoever.

AS they all do, she tried to turn it all around onto me with abuse for this criticism, which I was forced to honestly relate under sleep and drugging and brain-tech operating like truth serum while I was under non-stop stress and under murderous conditions of non-stop torture---which continue to this day and moment as it's non-stop every day without end from one scum to the next, all obtaining awards afterwards or huge deals.

Expect the list of the "peace" people to get a huge "piece" of some kind of top performance or award in the near future. The others who are more guilty than these aspiring fascist performers have tortured me non-stop and they don't need to sign a petition in order to prove their affinity with the 4th Reich Nazi whorewood subterfuge mind screw operation upon society (around the world).



I have to add that this "jewish" woman who had her partners who also attacked me (but helped me as well, very kindly in fact so they have been quickly dismissed by the fascist Nazi murdering mauraders who control the B-list of whorewood above, who may eventually play all the roles for the upcoming theme park of the Holy Land of White Evangelical Christianity in Los Angeles with genocide of the Jews featured as one of the most popular rides of the park.

But anyways---

ha ha

This "Jewish" woman was correct when she rebounded my drugged/under hypnosis/deep sleep analysis of a clip she and her English partner hacked onto my social media page (youtube) and I watched the 3-minute clip. That began at least 2 weeks (maybe less time as she was rotating with vicious violent people on all sides) but I told her that I found her self-abnegation to be a crucial component of the dehumanization of Jews that the Nazis expect, turned around into "comedy" for them to laugh at. This is a common and recurrent theme in movies about Jews playing dopey, quirky but sloppy, clumsy and unattractive (mostly) kind of creepy weird but just so "lovable" once they accept domination and submit and then play comedic roles and insult themselves. I referred to this as the Jerry Lewis type comedy. She had mentioned that her breasts are sagging but turned it into a joke. Once I commented on this and how the bigot English man who has hacked his stuff (euphemism) on my YouTube page for (now it's been years until finally he stopped and sent vicious other men of his ilk from England to violently assault me for a criticism) which was that he giggled in a way I have never seen this mostly stern person. So a few days later, obviously instructed on what to say as "they" all must do this, she began yelling about my sagging breasts. Well, I have been poisoned for years and years and stuck in paralysis and the poisons are kept in black bloated pouches hanging off my body, with hard poisons underneath I can't get out but have been trying for years--while the A$$-hole list of expletives from Whorewood constantly have me repoisoned and laugh about how mutilated my body appears. Insults about how I look are now commonplace she she began.

This was her stance to attempted murder and poisoning of me, only because I differed in opinion about her performances and their performances and have said no to this new form of sex trafficking, murder, theft of my ideas, poisoning and mutilation and being passed around to be sexually abused and then discarded with hate and contempt; all the while I am so drugged and my brain is under so much distortion that I can't comprehend exactly how malevolent the person inflicting this upon me truly is. In a dazed and glazed but seemingly capacity of functionality--parts of my brain literally suppressed along with the tech and microchip implant.

Was there an iota of sympathy for me from her? No! Her concern was in demonstrating absolute hate for me and now she is demonstrating "love" for people who fully endorse the killing of many innocent people, claiming that many of them are innocent. Many of them are innocent but many are not (perhaps the ratio is much higher for the Not innocent).

But I am innocent, I have never done anything to any of them, any of the people creating this contract except for their utter and core-deep racism and antisemitism.

So look at the long list of the B-level performers because only a few of the most famous A$$-holers are not listed--they have already proven their hate and genocidal Nazi proclivities towards me for over a decade. 


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