The Life F**! leadership lacking all leadership qualities for any sane society are pouring their hate, of every kind upon me in a rotation of mind f*** celebrities, politicians and general scammer meaningless ugly real-life "losers" but handed MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of endless $$$ poured into their every artifice as brainwashed puppets themselves a hate regime. Their ugliness and stupidity is then the force generating the life-F**!~ destruction of the planet in an equal distribution of violence heaped upon the planet.

 "Cataclysm for 20-21.12.23--Tornado in the USA, Tsunami in Europe, Hurricane in Russia". Last Days. December 22, 2023.

This is a very tenuous almost spiritual thread of connection between the death cult of Whorewood, the celebrities from around the world who either control this lot of are profiting and expecting their Karen post-Holocaust distribution of endless money and lucre poured upon them for their every Karen Nazi/Mafia plantation around the world, which they are constructing and constructing endlessly.

Their hate and violence towards humanity in general for this 'trauma-based" mind control, which is only a representation of the endless hate inflicted upon me, every single day, without end, day after day by one stupid ugly filthy piece of rotten excrement you all "love" as your 2-dimensional heroes on screens and on the mind programming tube for your boob minds and lack of connection to the spiritual essence of reality--as they are all completely a construct of evil intending to lull people into various programs, mostly complacency and in conformity to the fiction that there are "Free" societies around the world and that if you just work and fight and are a victim you can rise above. 

Or the alternative are swaggering criminals being glorified with their porno women at their side. 


However, this is a life-f** construct and the hate these idiot savants force upon me with this most life-F** technology of teleportation has an integral connection to the destruction of the planet. You can call it "climate crisis" you can call it a "polar shift" you can say it's just a natural cycle that the planet undergoes and that all the filth being poured into the earth and the essence being sucked out and the hate and wars have nothing to do with the outer manifestation of utter chaos unleashed in the natural environment. No connection whatsoever. Keep the system going indefinitely, that is the cry of the Nazis and the Mafia and the expletives I am confronted with daily. they torture me while I am freshly drugged while in a deep sleep as they also mutilate my body every single day. They begin endless verbal and physical abuse of me in this nebulous teleportation/voice-to-skull/surveillance torture chamber which is constantly being made tattered, broken down, ripped apart, stinking and foul so all I do is clean up muck and filth they spray and pour into every corner under everything on everything in everything--my body included. 


They tried this morning to ask me about how much I was beaten or abused as a child. Fully sick of dysfunctional dumb and meaningless crap endlessly being forced into my inner ear using the cochlear "voice-to-skull" technology, idiot creeps with fame and millions of dollars which they squander and "need" more and more and more so they attack me. They have their "projects" they must get the green light for by the Nazis who control them. 

"Abuse, rape and mutilate her and break her" is the endless instruction given to filthy ugly dirty crap in Whorewood, and the politicians who are the most celebrity come to pitch in and fully supp9ort. The blonde women from Congress, former or current, who proclaim that they are fully supporting "feminism" and that they are somehow "maverick" women in positions of power--with their blonde and brown hair and white skin and true Karen personalities (in teleportation) come to threaten to kill me and order much worse mutilation of me because they want "darker" women to be beaten and raped and abused and ugly and poisoned and huge and deformed with them "crowned" by their stupid and ugly violent sleazy whore men who put them into these positions as another contrivance of lulling the population into believing that this is a "free" society and if you just work hard and fight injustice as a victim, you can rise above being a victim. 

Mostly, the victims that most of the celebrities and politicians truly are from their own childhood beatings, sexual molestation, or whatever else they have in their collective closets (and I am not referring to homosexuality but most of the men who rape and abuse me are mostly homoerotic and absolue woman-haters, and they truly love the types of women who fully support them beating and raping women because these women want the brunt of violence that the rotten ugly Nazi men would put on them--be shifted to innocent women who have never done a damn thing but the men are never supposed to STODY OR LEARN any single thing about self-introspection or awareness, psychology or how to treat people with respect they are told they are the prime Alpha and they can "do whatever you want" unless it's to other Nazis and Mafia (that includes all "races").


So they try to transfer more of their own childhood victimization onto me by trying to force  MORE stereotypes and labels on me. Each closeted scumbag who teleports me has a particular angle of abuse which reveals to me that this is the "Achilles Heel" that they, themselves, actually bear and want to transfer it onto me. 


So I had to go into a very elongated diatribe and explanation for how the next abuser had, himself, an abusive childhood because I actually read his autobiography about his childhood programming by Nazis in his native China (his father was expelled from aristocracy during the Cultural Revolution and became a chef for the French Embasedor to China--or of some similar high official ranking) and thusly this man is the most nasty of all the Asians coming at me right now--and I had to reveal to him his own traumatized upbringing and the program to brainwash people into the actual cultural revolution which is the 4th Reich--coming directly out of the 3rd Reich, but now spread all over the world as the Nazis had envisioned. So programmed by French fascist Nazis that his body even changed to emulate the appearance as his nose became very "French" and enlarged due to the very molecular structure of his being so infatuated with French and fascist Nazi culture, his own culture having screwed his family over, the indoctrination of school to brainwash the children into accepting a lower caste system than the aristocracy his family absolutely rued having been stolen from them. So in love with Fascist Nazi culture I am now dealing with something like a French fascist who I have to explain in ways that if he only had began to study anything may have had some inkling of.

Like all the technologies that are destroying the planet due to the greed, selfishness and sleazy gratuitous desire to be a Karen with a Plantation and aristocratic French fashion and slaves and minions-as all the expletives teleporting me all yearn for, are constantly constructing around the planet until it can no longer sustain the hate and stupidity of those with access to technology that they use to extrapolate life force, love anything they can due to their death cult personalities, all traumatized all yearning to inflict their inner sickness out onto others.


The programming is so wide-spread and the planet is now dying from it.

Thus, my only strategy by now is to await the inevitable that the planet will begin to unravel the technological tyranny and even Elon Musk's rotten 4th Reich programming that somehow space travel to plantations on Mars will somehow save the elite will have to be stymied by the impossibility of any flight due to such egregious conditions in the atmosphere and he and all will be stuck surrounded by encroaching floods and destruction. 

Maybe then the teleportation will have to be abandoned, the death squads dismantled--but knowing the endless greed and stupidity of those who are teleporting me, they will only continue this system even though it put Trump into power and the destruction of Democracy and the programming of the nation into more and more and more greed, stupidity and hate

and the thread to life is like a death black hole, which I have put on my blog (the first Vignettes) but hackers so badly dismantled my access to that page I can no longer load it on any system they block and steal ideas as well.

And this morning was no exception. the rotten stupid loser pig apes who teleport me every day with hate as i respond in a drugged up, fresh-from waking state after they force terror and trauma upon me--they are so ugly and violent and stupid and disgusting in ways that are like life-reverse energy sucking hate parasitic demons every day coming to suck my life force out of me and destroy me and then as I rant in rage about how sick they are, more blonde stupid ugly plastic surgery modified plastic fruit expletive then steal the ideas to make their movies about how 'feminist" and how alternative they supposedly are and how much they are intelligent6 original 

and most of the ideas they come out with year after year after year after year after year have been stolen from me in this same manner, supported by a disgusting incompetent administration in Congress and in the civil and local death squad scenes who cheer these rotten and sick stupid scumbags in these movies endlessly.


I attempted to watch parts of the Biden impeachment debate in Congress. I am so absolutely not shocked whatsoever to learn of the connections the Biden family has with China, with many millions of dollars secreted and nepotism glorified once more, just like Trump but Biden learned to conceal his crimes most effectively, like another Mob boss directing his minions to perform the illegal acts as he was in Congress, and like Pelosi, looking for every insider trade deal possible and then being able to lie about it and perfectly have it concealed against any criminal liability. Like Clinton(s) as well and the rest. It was a sick joke listening to the vitriol being bandied about. I almost had to laugh with nausea when I heard MTG speaking of a sexual assault by a poor Nazi bigot Karen who she was defending after her sexual assault forays against me (then was immediately put into spotlight in media for about one month thereafter). I felt sickened hearing Jamie Raskin use the term so obsequiously "I call on the Honorable...etc etc etc" one name after the next but her deferential manner to me reminded me of his vicious pushing me down for his brown-nosing Jewish Nazi acceptance into the 4th Reich with his fawning of the higher powers and the hate and mockery and mocking giggly delight over me being put into a place he is pushing me down to not be targeted as (any longer) just like rotten Michal Bloomberg--most fawning sycophants, most vicious Jewish Nazis trained by their forefathers to help the Nazis collect the Jews slated for extermination into the death camps while they get some positions of authority, but must grovel nevertheless so you can see this with all the minions viciously attacking me as well for their "masters". The Americans who attack me are the most disgusting as they are the real traitors and no one is recognizing what a role Whorwood really is playing in the demise of America, and for the world in general. That includes the environment as all they push is their gratuitous lavish lifestyles and flaunt their money and power whenever possible. They worship Nazi "Trickle-Down" economics but that does not exempt the "Progressive" Socialists from being any different, they are just selling another Holocaust and genocide using a different set of props but it's all inter-connected.

The lack of any real opposition is driving the planet into death. The world is breaking and flooding. They attack me every day to get ideas so sell off more Maggot Robbers who really is a facet of the English Crown coming to infiltrate more completely America via Whorewood. The Nazi plan to overtake America has been so successful under this technology forced upon me and put Nazis into power via Trump and his train more ostensibly, corruption as a way of politics now under threat completely from any criminal liability. All brought about by the sickness of the filth of Whorewood. That same death construct I see destroying the planet. All I can do is wait for the inevitable collapse of the world's resources just so the rotten United States Government will finally stop forcing this on me because it will either be destroyed or unable to afford all the millions and millions and billions of dollars in funding for this project to put every idiot savant into power who will then control and hand all obsequiously to the English and the Germans and the French and etc. They were always part of the 3rd Reich they only conscripted the Germans to do their dirty work. Now they have conscripted the Americans to fulfill their planetary overtake from the 3rd Reich to the 4th Reich. But the planet cannot sustain their life-f*** energy or sucking parasitic paradigm for much longer.

It is all I can do, after 12 years of writing about murder and torture and rape and my ideas being stolen as every disgusting pig creep who comes to assault me is yelling at me that ugly prostitutaline who has had me poisoned nearly to death, mutilated and deformed who giggles and laughs about it is constantly trying to either force me to say that this rotten ugly prostituted stupid sleazy piece of fake and connving rotten shit is beautiful and more beautiful than me, after years and over a decade of shit like her and her specifically and pig shit pitt ordering my uterus to be partially severed out, my hair mostly damaged permanenly and mostly gone, my skin destroyed with chemicals and fungus smeared on it endlessly day after day for years and years, , my body huge with stinking black poison embedded into my intestines into my spine as they KEEP HAVING ME POISONED so I am so toxic and broken down with non-stop violence endlessly surroudning me in my most vulnerable state

every single person ignoring me or turning against me literally not a single person on the planet coming to protect me, around the globe there is no opposition to this hate and death cult--and the rotten pig men scream at me that shitalina is more "beautiful" than me as they want the English Crown to fund and support their shitty stupid movies and contracts. Some of the shit men whose careers are on the brink of old age and middle age rape and beat me with ferocity and they are then promoted endlessly with tours and presentations and lead roles and etc

And the planet cannot sustain this group of life-destroying parasites. The stupidity and hate of the blonde Nazi contingent, despite Greta Thunberg and her Nazification usurpation of the environmental activism is really a Nazi working so only the blonde bigots will survive the ecological collapse but fully in line with the 4th Reich and all it's greedy gobbling up of everything with her condemnation aimed solely almost at America (the enemy of the 3rd Reich, not taken over completely in all the halls of power around the country and around the world).


I am beset with endless hacking blocks to the keyboard, my hands can't move to the keys I want to press, my thinking is now obscured by the attack on my brain and nervous system so critical calm rational thinking is being blocked as I now fight to pound out every word, the keyboard not operational my hands moving in zig zag fashion I can't type any longer to even finish this. 


So I had to deconstruct the abuser in his near sleep state of asking me about my childhood. I went into another flying rage after 2 more hours of fighting to get another hate parasite off me, screaming that ugly prostitutalina who has had my body completely raped, poisoned into a huge ball of black poison embedded into my body every single place from top-to-bottom scars from sleep state little knives cutting into my skin every single day, then dousing the skin with some permanently staining chemical. Red welts that are likewise tattooed into my skin and never go away--huge disgusting injections of silicone under my skin to appear as disgusting cysts. Much, much more for over 12 years this filthy ugly whore prostitutealina has been handed every kind of parasitic energy-sucking weapon to destroy my body and suck ideas out of me so this group of stupid filth can make move after movie portraying themselves as having these concepts so the government can continue to crank out movies that these fascist Nazi expletives are genuine people with high intelligence, beautiful and classy and concerned about the world. All those traits are what I actually AM THAT IS ALL ME but they have used all of these poisons and weapons and mind programming microchip implants and the dumbness of mass conformity and the wool over the eyes of the public to not be afraid the United States is a very open-minded and caring and compassionate country, due to the movies about how much that pile of hate really "cares" about the planet--for over a decade this group of meaningless soulless sleazy crap now endlessly put into lead roles being put into executive with their rotten children and stupid nasty sleazy minority minions who produce almost nothing but "represent"--and the one who has been the most original of the Blacks who is the most well-known to have made open antisemitic comments (Kanye) is not attacking me as far as I know. The ugliness and hate of the minions so oppressed and abused in their own childhoods and now they are pouring it out upon me. That is the current minion of the 4th Reich--I had to tell him that he's another product of Nazi programming today and people think that the Communist Iron Curtain somehow separated the two factions instead of actually uniting them (they had to kill off the authentic Communists behind the Iron Curtain in their Gulag System which is never exposed in any rotten Whorewood movie system, because they endlessly are glorifying antisemitism in the movies about the German version. The concentration camps are viewed as a racist hate system but it's really political. That is why the Jewish Nazis like Bloomberg and Raskin are so endlessly proclaiming themselves as being "Jewish" while I never do and thusly they are very keen on shoving me into the death cross-hairs for the racism that they have sold-out to completely, like all the rest I am force to deal with--the vicious minority minions.

Behind them all is the evil sneering contempt of Biden and his minion Obama. It is evil all around--to use the term that the MAGA use, "evil".

And the planet cannot sustain all their greed, lies about "caring" and the endless encroachment of the Nazi philosophy of endless Karen Plantations promised to every minions who complies in every forlorn and oppressed group--the victims of the Cultural Revolution are like the victims of antisemitism but so fully into hating Jews--(

either way, the planet is heaving with disgust from the hate orgy frenzy of greed saturation derived from millennia of this life screw paradigm that the misuse of technology for all reasons and purposes is heightening into such an accelerated pace that the planet cannot sustain the hate and greed and stupidity and meaningless any longer as the consumption is far too great for the earth to handle.

The spirit is dead, life-f*** operators are in control on all sides of every seeming oppositional system.

I know about the corruption just from the gravitational pull of the Biden epicenter pulling all the greasy and rotten political and celebrity minions into his own little black hole, they had shifted their alliances from Trump now to the coupled twin black hole of Biden so there was actual no change whatever except that more parasitic satellites from Congress came to join in the mocking and gaiety and promotions of torturing me every day with violence and mutilation so my body is completely worn down by now.

And this is the force that is destroying the entire planet. The microcosm is related to the macrocosm. 


To continue, after cleaning more of the muck that is sprayed and poured everywhere, the floor, walls, clothing, my patio is now filthy once more after I did nothing to make it so---piles of debris and filth sprayed and poured into all corners and under and over everything

plants for ONE YEAR have been successively killed by scumbags who have their minorities tending their manicured mansion lawns which they only look at--all bereft of trees for birds and insects so they appear like plantation pictures with no natural life growing anywhere, just like plastic shrubs like the plastic minds and bodies that they are and their rotten lack of brains that have oozed into their lower extremities--

back to insults on my part, but sexual abuse once more from this not Chinese but actually out of Honk Kong--a subjugated mind programmed minion of British Imperialism and French Colonialism. He, like Bloomberg, like so many of the pig ape scumbags, makes comments about my body which is deformed from decades--DECADES--of daily hardening and mutilating poisoning mixed with mind control drugs--plus non-stop abuse and torture for 12 years and longer, every single day with the teleportation and voice-to-skull endless assaults by a non-stop rotation of just piles of crap scum who are "famous" for some blathering crap they continuously crank out--decades and decades of their own drugging and mind programming so they are blank, filled with selfishness and greed. The only remnant of their original "appealing" traits that they sold off are now fully transmutated into selfish-greed empty calorie personalities filled with Karen-esqe entitlemnt for endless money poured into the crap they are paid and commissioned to portray which they absolutely are violently against in "real life" where the 4th Reich is the one and only allegiance they all hold.

So to make prostitutealina and the rest of this shit happy, the creep Jackie Chan made disgusting comments about my breasts while I was undressing. I must add that the last year of the terrorism of Baryishnikov "helping" me while he FORCED his "help" into my inner ear while I was fighting, for the first time in years, to do a few  basic stretches because ugly filthy filthalina had ordered me to be destroyed on all levels possible but still functioning to pound my fingers onto a keyboard so I could try to alleviat the endless hate they are pouring into my every waking and sleep mode so this group of filth can extract ideas which they have not stopped doing for at least 12 years without end--that includes the English scum who literally stole my writing and ideas for years and made movies out of them, then handed the contract to the "half-English" full prostitute scum like shitalina and pig pitt and the rest of this lascivious crew. Each one has some hate weakness they inflict upon me so I am beset on all sides, day after day, with the sublimated self-loathing and mental and emotional-psychological complexes of one dirty filthy creep after the next. Rosanne Barr, the Jewish Nazi who claims she is a "targeted individual" but is relying on participating in this hate targeting of me out of racist reasons so she can further exploit this ordeal that she enjoys watching me be forced into as she sits on her brain on the set of chairs with the rest of the filth who have been doing this ongoing daily and nightly for over 12 years.

She made some comment in an interview with English Nazi Piers Morgan about her "sagging breasts" as a comedy reference to herself. She then had Jackie make such comments about my breasts which are deformed from the years of poison that is sagging all over my body like black chunks of cellulite but it comes out as huge piles of black poison that have compressed and rotted into my body--making me so sickly in appearance, broken down completely physically that I am struggling every day to not be poisoned to find someone who will stop this

but Baryishnikov was "helping" me by body shaming me every day while continuing the poisoning and drugging and doing things like stabbing me in the abdomen with a retractable knife, torturing my cat in front of me, having groups of Russians abuse and bang into me with my body so fragile (huge chunks of beef on 2 legs doing body slams into me in extremely gang stalking crowds of minority minions swarming me on all sides from every direction as this creep did swerve into my body at the last minute--it was when he began. He's still there in the crowd of endlessly increasing hate stalking attacking and ordering slow murder upon me. Forcing himself on me so that by endlessly body shaming me, so I would not eat as much, he could claim that he was "stopping the poisoning" as for ANOTHER YEAR all I have done is shit out piles of poison. It is impossible to just shit poison out in huge black stinking piles but mostly it's just compressed so it just sticks into my interior cavities and from endless exertion leading to utter sickness from sepsis, I finally get piles out--and it just continues without end. they torture me while my body is fighting for it's life to not die from sepsis as they poison and torture me so my immune system is shut down with overstress from endless assualts they inflict every day while I"m in the most vulnerable sleep state and upon waking from more drugging. One greedy ugly stupid dirty pig after the next goes on and on. Shitalina and pig pitt have been going to the White House upon invitation and to the Oscars non-stop with endless millions poured into them for orchestrating this, in conjunction with the English crown.


But body shaming me is a huge sport for the expletives. I have to go into, under truth serum, how much poisoning this group of shit forced upon me and still does. They say nothing and continue to scream that prostitutealina the ugly piece of sick rotten shit is more 'beautiful" because the Nazis will give every sexual abuser and hater a promotion for screaming this at me. Raskin did this, as well as Kinzinger.

and  they will endlessly be more promoted as they all put out their interviews and Congressional displays of "Democracy" and the shit movies that the celebrities come out with after torturing me for ideas and then the huge amounts of millions poured into these projects

so dirty filthy Jackie Chan with Rosanne Barr, the ubiquitous shit pig pitt and shitalina endlessly conducting the endless torture as they are fully welcomed by shit like Al Pacino who has been ongoing with this for the dirty filthy mafia promotions for Scorses and the rest

it's so disgusting utterly

and I have to scream back for another hour as they all get promoted for forcing a reaction of rage out of m e, that they have poisoned me for over a decade they have sliced into my feet so badly I must wear so much covering over my entire body as much as possible to protect my digits my hair and they are still injecting me with drugs and poisons and poisoning my food. The shit pigs then continue to body shame me as not a single one has helped me in any real way for more than 5 minutes of actual support or help. Every day rotten and disgusting corrupt fascist Nazi genocidal bigot Baryshnikov, the most fake "fighting against Authoritarianism" Russian implant by the KGB in America--one of them, with now the Chinese counterparts who were also selected to go to America and help the 4th Reich turn it into another colonized subjected Europ-a-land fascist dictatorship like Hong Kong and China and Russia and now America along with rotten Europ-a-land.

I have to add another thought today, which is that so many of these Nazi movies about sympathy to the Jews in concentration camps usually reference the Berlin Wansee Conference. This puts most of the blame upon the Germans and the movies endlessly referencing Jews as perpetual victims of pograms, in our post WWII reference and pursued by these movies coming out of Nazi-Whorewood-Mafia--only depict these scenes.


It was the Conference at Evian, France, where the decision to allow the Nazis to kill off Jews with NO COUNTRY around Germany really willing to take in refugees, after around the point of no return. Prior to around 1938 people could possibly immigrate to other countries around Germany but the borders were closed off, just after the Evian conference (that includes of course the United States).


But either way, not one of you is going to stop this tyrannical violence and genocidal Nazi contract out on me. Not the liberals not the Progressives, certainly not the "Jews" reading this. 

So I reiterate that the hate that you all support is unsustainable for not just our society but for the planet at large. I see the unbelievable destruction that is ongoing from what some call "climate change" and I know and understand the life fuck mentality of the creeps put into lead positions by those who profited the most from the murders of millions. This is not any kind of political statement it is a statement of FACT. You can call it any political leaning you want, the facts remain.


Circa 4-5 hours later (after last post above)--sanity has somewhat resumed. I can't re-read the enraged posts I write, which are always intended to discredit me. They are part of a healing process from the filth, hate and violence this team of life-sucking parasitic life-destroyers are inflicting upon me. Your wonderful celebrities: pitt, his wives, children, politicians, endless rotation of celebrities and all are sick and vile disgusting abusive rabid purveyors of a death cult that is now rising with visibility to the shock of the news castors and politicians who have NOT STOPPED this tyranny from being inflicted upon me. Had they acted with some timely response far earlier, this entire rise in fascism would have been at least delayed for maybe ---? I have no idea how long a delay in the fascism would have been had Hillary been elected rather than Trump. It would have been the usual orgy/cocaine baby boomers with their cocktails at their parties instead of violent "patriots" espousing blood in the streets. The cocktail version would have relied more upon the covert death squads as they have been doing all my life, rather than combining that with open statements of the real intention (of all--but who will get the reins of power, that is their dispute right now).


The torture is unbearable so I write in the freshly abused, threatened with death, dismemberment, both of which are under-funded by actual cars hitting me in complete orchestrated attacks (deliberately driving into me in completely un-accidental situations and poisoning me to death which has turned into paralysis and torture to death with no chance to heal as the poisoning is never stopped. Sick and disgusting mostly older men coming at me with their lifetimes of rape and sexual violence towards women and men and children and anything else they can abuse behind them, coming to be legitimately paid for this behavior with their rotten Nazi wives cheering it on. If they support the demise of real feminism their faux feminism can prevail and they get their "feminist" ideal of being put automatically into a coveted position. ONly to have nothing to say unless they steal the concepts from people who think outside of their limited sickness and so, as I am some exception at this point to the technology the people consider to be a wonderful boon to the future of humanity--I am tortured non-stop so I only see one sick scum creep after the next with famous personalities saying and doing the same things repeatedly as part of a formulaic contract. 

I go into spasms of hysteria and write it out because it is far too deadly to hold in. I have no comfort no pets my plants are routinely killed--the birds in the trees were shot down and are terrified to even fly by this area--it u sed to be packed with birds and I enjoyed watching them. So this group of filth has destroyed and killed off any sentient being that could provide any form of love or support to me. All human beings on the planet conform to this contract and/or are brainwashed with subliminals as I know I have been and still am. The majority are still living in comfort and assume that they are part of the elite force so they don't worry whether they are being programmed or not. I only see disgusting examples of hate and sleaze and stupidity and filth and violence every day from a group posing as being feminist and beautiful and demanding that I submit to their tyranny and ugliness and stupidity and tell them they are great for it and believe it too.

As this is NOT Orwell's 1984, the disgust that they imbibe in me is far superior to any semblance of respect for them out of fear, drugging or fantasy.


So I get it out and waste my time as people never stop them or protect me. I hope that what I write will somehow penetrate into the psyches of people who are reading this or eventually may read it, if that is possible or not and if there is a long future for humanity

I urge you to understand that the path, at the The United States, is on right now is leading to absolutely catastrophe on all levels.

Interpersonal relationships, government function, health and wealth of the nation--all right now are in a deteriorating state. 

The creeps want to organize a New Order out of the chaos they are currently evoking with great success. I suggest that at least a great portion of the compliance to this sickness is from the tech doing subliminal mind control over masses of the population plus drugging on some various levels (or energy fields that simulate drugging upon the brain, pathways of neural firing and blockages of function--I experience this as I try to write every day when I fight to think and get out the stress these parasites want to dump on me from their own personal stink of they psyches and black cesspool personalities--

And that is the hysteria. Only truly really sick people can act like this constantly day after day for years and years and years. Only a very sick society can actually promote people like this. I truly do not believe that the US has ANY future whatsoever if conditions remain and this technology is constantly being put in the hands of incompetent theatrical couch casting politicians and celebrities, then meted out to violent thugs and Nazis and Mafia.


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I wrote a comment to a video saying that DeNiro is making a public statement about something happening in his city and Murray made a statement, "Who does he think he is?" so I wrote back in the comment section after Murray had his lackey Netanyahu, a most vile and disgusting jewish Nazis sexually attack me, and they both had Ratskin violently assault me for saying no and losing my temper--and this same English expletive is assuming more 'control" over America and it's politics. thanks to the Whorewood crowd fully welcoming this interfering British Israelist Nazi of the 4th Reich into exerting the English Crown control over Whorewood and media and politics. So I wrote, "who do you think you are interfering in American politics or business go back to your cesspool in England) and to which DeNiro having to fully support the old Nazi network came to me abusing me, in teleportation of course, accusing me of being a witch responsible for his family member's death because I screamed after about 5 years of non-stop poisoning and torture and sexual assault and the theft of my ideas from this expletive--yelling I hoped he and his family died because of the violence this group of NYC mafia have inflicted upon me family and upon me. I am now his target for being a "witch" who knew what I was doing when I put this curse out and has been threatening me with very culpable violent intimidation as if I am responsible for his family member's addiction--although he (DeNiro) is and has been addicted to torturing me every day for years and the Oscars he has obtained for his violence against me and for torturing me for years as I wrote and said constantly that Trump was going to create a fascist Nazi state as DeNiro attacked me with extremely violent hate and every time I was in the shower or naked it was body shaming and sleazy sick insults about my body which has been injected with silicone smeared with fungus daily for years mutilated and my hair mostly chemically destroyed and gone and etc. But I was attacking this filth English Nazi and not defending DeNiro but I was attacked by Deniro who doesn't want any connection of me in any way, shape or form he and his group have so completely destroyed my image and connection to me. So okay, I wish that the Nazis will burst your goddamn image and that you are shunned and then become a target as you have done to me. I hope your food is poisoned as you have done to me, I hope you are gang stalked to forever as you ordered upon me by the MAGA filth crowds you PUT INTO POWER through your greasy greed and hate and addiction and selfishness. I hope that your addiction to cocaine, which was fueled by your obvious addiction to whatever (alcohol, sex, working, controlling, etc) becomes your imprisonment of failure as you have been laughing about what you and your ilk have done to me for so many years. Your addiction will be turned into whatever you are addicted to being poisoned by the gang stalking groups which you helped to expand through all the years of your Oscars and deals with rotten Scorsese who sent you and Pesce and many others to violently assault me as he and you both went to the Oscars and on and on and on. I hope this for Scorsese as well, but he has never said anything about politics as the Whorewood celebrities are like the sleazy rotten whores who will be paid for any and all administrations, which are almost identical anyway in fascist Nazism. That is why you assumed that what was happening to me was because I must be all the negative stereotypes that you affixed to me to justify your violence. Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

O.J. did identify with Black activism when he played a role about violent resistance being preferable to peaceful demonstration to KKK activity. Richard Burton as the lead star of the film. He made activist statements (O.J. I am referring to) and "fought the Man" in the film as a rep for Black Rights. The film was made in the 70's. O.J. was married at that time to a Black woman (contentedly, as she claimed there was little friction in the marriage even thought they divorced). This clip from the movie shows O.J. playing a violent extremist/terrorist for Black activism rather than quiet and peaceful protests and lectures. The advocacy of violence as a weapon against racism preferable to any equal justice movement where debate is futile and the system is forever rigged. That is the gist of the clip and the movie is about racism. Like so many, O.J. got brainwashed into trying to live the wealthy elite lifestyle of Brentwood and LA but the violence was sublimated nevertheless and it came out eventually due to the falsity of the stress of appearing like he enjoyed playing the inter-racial good guy role.