The current wave of anti-Immigration in the United States. My absolutely TRUE ACCOUNT of legal immigrants you (4th Reich readers) all "love" and welcome in who are urging mass murder of Americans. They show it to me because they know I have been "discredited" and attacked and "no one" will help or "believe" any single thing I say. Factors contributing to the discrediting of my image and personality are the endless ranting posts I have written after non-stop torture from the extreme tech and torture technologies, unbelievably deadly poisoning and drugging, non-stop destruction of every beautiful thing I make and create, whatever any of the expletives attacking me can use as their own concept they steal and this is supported non-stop 1000% by all politicians in Congress ("silence is complicity", as co-conspirator Biden likes to quote).//The wishes for mass flooding of death squads from Mexico to swoop into America and create huge pits of body bags lined with blood. Blonde Nazi Euirop-a's lovingly backing the Columbians I stayed at who were assaulting me using the drugging and violence and praising and promoting them for MK ULTRA rape and torture. This was on South Beach. I will relate below. This account of REALITY is only one small drop in the ocean of examples I have personally witnessed about the ultimate take-over of the U
United States of America.
"Tommy Pooch: The Early Days on Miami Beach". MiamiPopMedia. March 21, 2013.
This was a group of Columbians who had been on the sidewalk of Ocean Drive with huge, warm crocodile smiles and were always in my view for the first year I lived on South Beach and had been "welcomed" or lured into the very "haute" Europ-a establishments along Washington Avenue and along Ocean Drive, back in the late 1990's, only so fasco tyrannical expletives could vie for which one got to pretend he/she was "friendly" and then drug, poison and rape me while I was unconscious, for their endless promotion into high ranking by the American-4th Reich Internationale (my label for it) as it's probably derived greatly out of a Communistic approach to mass killing to fund their operations with a purely central committee handing out instructions and mind programming protocols (programming the population to learn to commit atrocities in civilian populations using the mind control and torture technology; all must follow the same patterns and protocols if they want to get their nasty greasy promotions, and all do the same things repeatedly and the patterns are, to me, by now, like "the back of my hand" which I know so completely after decades of the same instructions and basically the same pattern).
I met first the younger pair, a couple who I saw at the beach who smiled huge crocodile smiles and said "hi" and so warmly introduced themselves. Then they were at night on Ocean Drive yelling at me "Hi" with huge ugly smiles but I was very busy, had ZERO IDEA about the contract out on me, was drugged endlessly with the drugs trapped into my nervous system and blood stream through the hardening agent which also made me slowly being crippled, deformed and paralyzed but this group kept me only partially so, in order to have more expletives rape me and discard me after stealing and insulting afterwards while I was further drugged by their endless arsenal of poisons and drugs they put in my food and all the drinks they kept plying me with--drugged to the max and then redrugged.
The Columbians were constantly there always warmly approaching me for the year and a half I was selling cigars every day and never having enough money to buy food, because the expletives would break into my room (all keys to my front door handed by all managers of the places I paid rent to, there was no actual "break-in").
They would take the huge piles of money I had earned for hours walking into clubs and restaurants as an independent cigar salesperson, and they would replace the $100 bills with $1's.
I was so drugged constantly that I would go into my little room I rented and literally be too drugged to get undressed. I collapsed and just fell asleep instantly on the bed also because of the technology that literally shut my brain down into a somnulant state. They continue with all kinds of brain-mapping technology to induce every kind of state upon me to this moment, especially while I am fighting to relieve the deadly stress that is forced upon me every morning with another violent and murderous bigot coming to assault me--of all skin colors, but all part of the 4th Reich in every capacity from playing the endless "victim of racism" role to the swaggering blonde psychopaths constantly being sold in entertainment as the "heroes" but so smug and always plastic-coated and always referencing themselves as some Europ-a identity and not as being American. They hate America, and they are trained to hate America and only consider Europ-a-land as being the ultimate in intelligence, living standards and political savvy. Absolutely programmed and brainwashed as well and unconcerned about how the "experiment" on me is really a social engineering project upon THEM.
The Columbians in Miami were usually around the 8th Street and Ocean Drive corner where the very famous News Cafe was, which was a meeting place for the power-brokers (of the Mafia, for example)--had been for a long time. It was "Jewish" owned, but was like the "old days" for combining Jewish and "Italian-American" projects (take over, control, whatever else etc etc this is not the point) but right above that area, which I am trying to stress was like the epicenter of a Mafia power-broker "diner" situation (like out of NYC, and many of the people who were in power in those days were, in fact out of NYC and from the Mafia--just ask "Madonna" about that).
Right above the huge canopy covering the diners on the front patio, facing the ocean, a most coveted position on the beach, was this group of Columbians who had so endlessly smiled with crocodile smiles at me.
The real Italians who were partnering with Stallone had all the money I made at the Stallone/Steven Tyler (from Aerosmith) club stolen while I was sleeping. They raped me and pocketed the money I had made. This was "Freddy" the co-manager with Nicola Siervo and a host of other people, many out of France who had partnered with the Milan Brothers (Eric and Frances) who had done the same to me when I lived at the Clinton Hotel (just across the street from the Versace store on SoBe) and then I moved to the Israeli-Jewish owned hotel The Harrison Hotel (which is still somehow alive and kicking with probably the same owner, Michael/Michele he had a French pronunciation so I don't know the spelling exactly).
ON the ground floor of The Harrison Hotel was Bar None and I lived along with a lot of other people on long-term stay (20's and 30's--the Hotel had also housed a modeling agency and it had been full of models living for the "high season" and etc). It was a great place to stay, two blocks from the beach, very much a free atmosphere and air conditioning, cable tv and this wonderful location for about --I paid something like $300 per month--of course, I always got lower rent from the Jews and also because the Nazis needed me to be exploited so they allowed me to live nearly on the edge of homelessness constantly barely able to afford food and could not afford to buy anything else as they kept stealing my money I earned--all while I was unconscious due to this microchip implant).
So, the above is just a glimpse, barely, into the atmosphere and environment of the situation.
The Italians and the Mafia kept stealing my money as disgusting ugly dirty men with money kept harassing and unbeknownst to me, raping me in my MK ULTRA/microchip implanted into my brain sleep state).
I would resist them as they were abusive and began trying to control me like I was some "slave" for them to pass around).
I would just ignore them and walk away but they did not have the capability at that time to completely poison and destroy my life as the filth from Whorewood is now capable of, and the fascism from that group grows with every passing day that you allow them to go on and on--of course, all or most of you dearly want this.
My point is on IMMIGRATION which is the hot topic now due to the Israel-Hamas war and the fear of terrorists surging through the border to inflict mass damage upon the USA.
I was basically so bereft of the money I had made and so constantly drugged and after saying NO NO NO but politely to worthless Europigapes trying to exploit me, they kicked me out of the Harrison Hotel when I was one day late paying rent. This was during High Season and I had always made a lot of money, but woke up with just piles of $1 bills.
I knew I could make the rent very quickly but I needed a short-term place to stay. The Columbian couple suddenly appeared while I was out trying to figure out what to do. I told them my predicament and asked them if they knew of a good short-term nightly stay--this was within about one hour of me realizing the room I was renting had been locked, all my possessions blocked and the management, after I had stayed there for over one year, refused me entry and blocked me out (I think they allowed me to go in for about 5 minutes to get a few things and I had to relinquish everything I owned which they stole). This was the typical "punishment' for me saying NO to ugly and rotten Nazi expletives who were poisnoing and raping me while I was sleeping and unaware of my situation. I had no idea what was going on and I always was in a drugged up daze. Because I had been in this state for so many decades by that time, I had zero concept of what was going on.
The Columbians welcomed me to stay in their apartment RIGHT above The News Cafe. So I was situated "for free" they refused payment to stay right facing the beach, above this very prominent News Cafe (Versace Mansion just a few blocks away, just to give the flavor of the area) and light jazz music streaming up from the cafe, people laughing and lightly conversing like a wonderful ambient atmosphere.
The Columbians began their terrorism and undoubtely were going to be paid very well for drugging, poisoning and raping and abusing me. they did so with relish except for a very few who had qualms and were not living there exactly. I was fed poison and drugs but at least cooked well with Mambo music played and Cuban rarities and etc. The much older man (about in his mid-40's) with the 20-30-somethings as I was in that age category at the time, all gathered for this dinner party atmosphere while I tried to make money but suddenly I was too exhausted to do anything. They were poisoning and drugging me to the max, as usual.
After such a drugged-up plate of Arroz y Pollo was offered to me, the older man (out of NYC, they were all from New York City) began showing me something he jabbed into my elbow and said, "Hey, I have something cool to show you" as I was in a drugged up state.
He showed me something out of Mexico on his laptop, which were bloodied body bags in huge grave pits of multiple bodies. The caption and the words along with this (whether it was the authentic site or a construct for the purpose of psychological "trauma-based" terror upon me)
he said that this was an urge for Mexican cartels to go across the Mexican Border and kill as many Americans as possible. The images of body bags, this Columbian man told me, was the image the terrorists constructing the website wanted to imprint into the minds of the viewers. This is now not dissimilar to the programming for Hamas terrorists who are taught early to kill Jews from the River to the Sea. The call was to cross the border from Mexico and kill and slaughter as many body bags as could be possibly inflicted with Americans dumped into huge cavernous death pits.
About one hour later, a blondish Europ-a- female came who said she was his "girlfriend" but I had never seen her around and had met this older man before in all the multitudes of people on South Beach I was constantly around--selling cigars in clubs, restaurants and at bar None and before that at The Strand (the French operation where I had been exploited by the French who handed me to the Italiians and to the Stallone/Tyler Hollywood collaboration to profit off the Miami scene, and attacking me undoubtedly has kept them in the prime real estate business since then.
Further interpretation, biased or not but based on personal experience as so many do not bother to conceal their motives when they attack me so I am relating the ugly reality of behavior of people who assume that "no one" will take what I fight to get out seriously--always the discrediting aimed at me goes on with subliminals forced into my subconscious and hacking blocks, rewrites and not being able to think calmly as they attack my brain so I can't think clearly and get into ranting hate states due to decades of torture while the US Government keeps funding these TERROR domestic operations for their 4th Reich overtake of "Democracy" which they keep on spouting as their true alignment policy but NEVER do they actually mean it.
The money and deals being poured into TRAITORS who are told that just abusing, raping and eventually killing Jews and stealing their property and money is not being a "traitor" to the United States. Little do they understand the lying pretenses of the fascist Nazis they welcome into America because they come from Europigape fashion land, which was boosted by the theft of billions or trillions of dollars stolen from the Jews they slaughtered in the Holocaust, now itching to get more out of America in the same way but using mind programming and death squads and overtake by those who welcome them all in. That includes the "welcomed" Latinos I met in Miami but mostly I see the programming for death and overtake of America coming out of Europigapeland. Underneath the "fashion" are the pigs and apes and now I consider THEM to be the cockroaches. They deflect all their subhumanity onto the Jews in all their cliche stereotypes that I am confronted with constantly by the filth out of Whorewood who openly express these concepts of the 3rd Reich for their promotions. They all make their Meccas in Europigapeland and all have mansions and estates there.
"Tommy Pooch: The Early Days on Miami Beach". MiamiPopMedia. March 21, 2013.
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