My predictions for Golden Globes 2024. Which terrorist celebrity teleporting stueck scheisse will NOT win, you ask me to predict?

 "Das Goldene Stueck Scheisse--WIZO (with Lyrics/mit Text zum Mitsingen)". eisbaerchen9. July 27, 2009.


These people do not deserve to win, and I believe that they won't:

Best Comedy will NOT go to Klaus Barbie skanky harpy.

I got two different predictions for Oppen-that it will win and it won't win. I don't know how many nominations it got, but the lead actor will not win, the director will win, and it will win in maybe some other categories--maybe best film (I got a NO and a Yes) but I know that this film has many nominations. It won't win all, I believe. 

Best Director will NOT go to Greta Stinky fish thunbergNazi head wig and her Nazi movies with Nazi actors and themes sublimated as being "American"--All. Nein. Not.

Scorsese will NOT win Best Director. His style is very profound and it's really too bad that the quality of his newest film in awards circuit, according to my prediction, will definitely not win Best Director award. I have a score to settle with his participation in this terrorism of me. Nevertheless, I will recognize talent. As for the above-mentioned two films above with the English Crown representatives of the endless infiltration of the American media market, the talent I believe goes more entirely to special effects, costume, make-up and money poured into Nazi endeavors. Scorsese has the talent and his talent runs throughout his career. Nor will his film Killerz win Best Film. I am watching Boardwalk Empire now in fascination with something that is of a far greater quality than anything I have seen for so long out of mainstream tv culture---just the directing, which Scorsese was the Executive Director of, a role I know very little of except that I see this dark quality of perception--meaning the reaches of color into earth tones and almost seeing the texture of clothing and the feel of the skin of the actors with their human foibles and the supporting actor cast so perfectly in tune with the era and time--that to me are some trademarks of Scorsese that are "gritty" but realistic and enthralling. Truly Great. But will not win. Please do not send your lackies to attack me any longer for your movie awards circuit "wins" any longer, if you are involved I really don't know. I think so.

I see possibly a very large chance of winning for NeDiro for Best Supporting Actor in that same film Killerz--but I have not really looked through the list. A lot of money will be put into his win, or there will be or is a huge setback which he will overcome with finesse, or his agent will, or his sources will--dead horse heads appearing in the judges beds when they wake up sort of influence peddling I guess-- but I got a very strong prediction for that category, for this Golden Stueck Scheisse "awards" rigged election system for the furtherance of the 4th Reich awards show ....I'm not saying that NeDiro is not a persuasive actor....

I see that Emma Stone will NOT win best whatever category--what is she up for? Best actress for drama or comedy? She deserves awards for her acting but not for that nasty and sleazy goofy movie which feels like a greasy affront to my perception not only of that era and the concept of another Klaus Barbie female yearning to be "free" from Victorian values (but supports me being raped and tortured by her "friends" in the Whorewood business).

I do not see Natalie Dortmund the germanic Nazi from Israel winning nay top award, and the photo for her movie of her usual sobbing into the camera is as usual cringy for me. She played one excellent role that I am aware of, and otherwise, a crap sell-out Jewish Nazi, like the above, does not really deserve any awards at all or nominations. All of the above in one form or another know about my situation or have directly participated in the torture of me (murder attempts without end for over a decade putting famous millionaires into more awards and power endlessly). I don't know about Nolan specifically but he does know about my situation and he has done the internet hacking/stalking most annoying thing--any time anyone does this I am sickened by how many anti-matter parasites there are in that industry and in society in general, being awarded for going into hyper-frenzied parasite mode and being awarded for it by the use and misuse of this insidious technology that is used to transport psychopaths into their favorite rape and torture fantasies with the press of a button. Plus rotten parasitic whores who have no soul or inner beauty, loveless but sleazy porno exuding sleaze operators using this tech to teleport me so they can obtain Ideas out of me like into perpetuity---so they can "win" awards which demonstrate them to bring light and joy to the planet exposing technology as a wonderful event that the inventors so clearly are worried will be put into the wrong hands--as the fiction goes that H-wood promotes via something like English nazi Nolan and his presumptuous movies glorifying Nazi men who could give a damn about the future consequences of their smug Klaus Barbie entitlement being handed every sophisticated technology to do what they really do best: rape, torture, exploit, subjugate, etc etc etc (this is not especially a "woke" concept it is a universal construct and I have had to see this horrific reality through this "dark web" of hate that I am endlessly being teleported through--into a realm I left so long ago so happy when I flew out of LA to go live in Thailand and never want to return to that rotten place with these rotten people helping them out--in any way.


Unfortunately, I see that Nolan will DEFINITELY WIN Best Director--because he's English and the Golden Globes has an endless roster of fascist Nazis appearing in every capacity for the cameras and I believe personally (not a prediction but from the black energy gravitational pull of the terrorists I deal with out of that nefarious orb it of black money dealings related to H-wood) I believe that the English have a huge--far too great--influence over H-wood, via the Crown and it's subsidiary affiliates (i.e. The Clintons, for example have ties to England) and etc. But I see this will be the win for that much money-exchange horse-betting-style "awards" rigged contest. 

I see that even with Nolan, there will be many "back door" barters and concessions but whatever $$ will be poured into his "win" will take precedence over the other rivals. It is one reason I really detest the Golden Globes rigged award Nazi contest as I have been exposed to the endless terrorism from people who are always appearing at front stage whether presenters or actors or directors, etc. (also Met Gala, another English event).


I could go through the list but unfortunately some of the movies on the list I have never heard of. I am relegated to what is free and streaming and perhaps I can download some of the movies from some other download source, but I have not seen some of them or even heard of them.


There are some movies on the list of nominations that I have not seen and are not accessible to the free streaming platform I am relegated to (with every movie blocked by hackers constantly freezing).

I really want a movie system where people have opportunity to create and be presented with original ideas and not a rotation of the same people endlessly put into lead position. I want ideas other than protecting the 4th Reich in all it's lies and flamboyant self-aggrandizement about how great it truly is (or when it is portrayed negatively the "heroes" ultimately are of the 4th Reich "fighting" against the injustice of the 4th Reich presented as arch-evil but only in an unrealistic portrayal so no one can actually formulate a true antithesis to the black holes of the mind for mental programming that is so endlessly awarded and paid for by the great mind screw operators who rely on your cooperation for their exploitation of you--handed to you in a celluloid form for your "entertainment" and programming to obey and support and keep the system flowing while feeling that you are truly unique and fighting for "good" against "evil".


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