My favorite "hate" forum: Breitbart. I can count on the good-bad peeps of Breitbart to castigate the expletives from Whorewood and their endless hypocrisy.//On Whorewood: years of being around nasty middle-aged white "ex-pat" men in Thailand has helped me to pinpoint the bigot whore-mongering ugly balding men who form a force wherever they can to oust and destroy and plunder and rape and exploit and have little sex slaves of minority status servicing them in every way. I saw the lead ugly bald white middle-aged (or nearing senior) controller of the Whorewood advertisement page, IMDB and his "picks" of best Sheeple fodder movies and tv shows and then I looked at "favorite photos of 2023" and the entire spectacle was a who's-who of the bigot expletive gang who have teleported, laughed as they had pig apes rape and torture me while ordering my slow death via poisoning that I struggle every day to surmount, fighting for my life constantly. Almost the entire "choice" of "best" picks from this prostitute-brothel controller of Whorewood has extremely viciously in a deadly way attacked me for years. Every year it is one or another of the endlessly-increasing list of the pig apes of the Mafia/Nazi cartel 4th Reich mind-blanking programming cartel for Nazification and criminal psy-ops programming.

"Guns N' Roses--Welcome To The Jungle". Guns N' Roses. December 25, 2009.

It is always such relief to read what Breitbart has to say about the most openly ridiculous "liberal" fascist Nazis of Whorewood who are exposed as the ridiculous pawns of dumbing down that they truly are. It is usually only a short list per every few months, maybe one or two are exposed, but when it happens--how glorious I feel reading the sarcasm and acrid wit excoriating the pieces of expletive who are so glorified by the likes of IMDB and the fat, ugly bald completely Nazi-appearing lead controller chooser of the winner-losers of Whorewood and their crap mediocrity movies and tv shows (always the movies and tv shows I really like are never mentioned, get cancelled, etc)  and in every choice of movie and what is considered "sellable" it's just much more fascist than Breitbart ever could be, albeit disguised as being "woke" or "open-minded" for Whorewood (and so absolutely is a polaristic refutation of all things "woke" disguised as being "woke" or woke even). **I am now rewriting this post as hackers have completely deleted/rewritten so the post became unreadable---they are blocking keyboard functions as well. I had to add-in parts of sentences that had been deleted in the above paragraph--it had been partially deleted after I had written clearly up to this point. Thusly, I have spent so long fighting the hackers who are blocking the most basic functions so I am not going to endlessly rewrite this post--below it will have been partially deleted and half-sentences restrung together as happened for the above paragraph--which probably will be re-hacked after I publish this. Try to get through all the completely unreadable parts--they make my writing incomprehensible.

I consider Taylor Swift to be a reprehensible fake and creepy mediocrity--glorified by the "sheeple" who are so programmed by the likes of IMDB and Whorewood into glorifying Nazi appearances and performances until they are not able to differentiate mediocrity from excellence and can only be persuaded to watch or listen to, for decades upon end, the same personality celebrities until they are on the brink of death--they can't explore anything new or different once something becomes an acceptable 4th Reich Nazi symbol they eschew anything that is not repeated like a holographic mind broken record. Setting records for mediocrity championed and the sheeple are told what to listen to and buy and they do it in droves. It appears that this putrid performer who has hacked her face onto my laptop every single day for the last DECADE, literally on every media and news source there that putrid thing is every single day. I know she has supposedly set records for her K-rap, but I now read that she's a construct of the Biden bs team for political mind programming. So this creep pop singer joins Hitler in becoming one of Time Magazine's People of the Year award. 

NG: Taylor Swift Busted as Woke Hypocrite on 5 Activist Issues: Climate, LGBTQQIAAP2S+, Feminism

I know that this creep singer is a terrorist who has joined the Trump and Biden teams for her endless pursuit of fame by participating in attacking me. I have never "seen" her in teleportation and she has never made her presence known except in DAILY hacks into my computer system with her most disgusting face and body endlessly plastered on my news searches. If I were not in my predicament of being assaulted by Trump I would not read news sources as determined as I do only because I was not aware of what a psycho bigot Trump was when I only clicked on his photos that were likewise hacked onto my Facebook page back in 2015--personalized photos--terrorist celebrity postures and not publicity photos--as the terrorists from whorewood now do every single day there's another one and another one. But I clicked on his photo and only tried to understand what he was about as I had assumed (correctly) that Clinton must have known about my stalking/poisoning/murder/rape/teleportation/MK ULTRA situation for all the years of her prominence in global politics, and I am always looking for some politician who is not a part of that one-sided political spectrum. Trust me, you will not find any significant difference in the "3rd Party" Candidates either. The rotten ugly crusty faces of RFK and crispy fried West they both look like they've been submerged into a deep fryer they are corrupt and so rotten that is what I see and of course they have sexually assaulted me in teleportation with absolute hate, both of them. I have never even said a single negative thing about these scum creeps but like all the rest, they have no justification they get endorsed into presidential position.

As for the pop singer, I just can't believe that she is so famous that every day her information is on multiple news sources on the front pages of any and all, literally every single news source there she is--except for The Hill and the other really dignified news sources I can't afford to pay for subscription so I am relegated to the sheeple forums.

But I see that Biden is using her as a tool for his endorsement. She has been mentioned on MSNBC by yet ANOTHER terrorist anchor who has very nastily attacked me for his promotion because he has to prove to the Nazi/Mafia cartel that he's a "good" Jew and will attack the "Bad" people affixed with the stereotypes and labels while he plays the role significantly well and grovels and kisses up when expected to the Nazi partners he deals with (every "minority" group included).

This is one of the most silly photos of her I have seen, and I hesitate to put her image on my blog but at last, something that appears like the twisted scumbag creep that I perceive her to be. That the rest of the world "loves" her is of no account to me as they stalk and terrorize me everywhere and for no reason. They love the image of Nazi stupidity and mediocrity they worship it everywhere from China to Argentina and Brazil. The holographic image has brainwashed people the world over. This is the "liberal" Nazi image that has usurped the real alternative and also the real talent of great singing that should be accompanied by fame. 

As I prefer Mozart operas that is the quality of vocal skill I determine to be highest quality. It doesn't have to be an operatic voice, just something that can achieve more than a few notes within one octave and in a seemingly monotone blur of words until it rises occasionally. That is how I interpret her music. I find it shocking that this is the most famous singer in America on the pop level. 

Notably, she has fully endorsed, as Biden has done, brutal and violent rape by bigot filth pig ape whore men and their gloating smirking giggling female partners--the list is so long on all accounts. This point #4 is absolutely a real truth so I am very happy that at least one source will confirm this. 

"4) She champions women and feminism but has stayed silent on Hamas terrorists sexually assaulting  their Israeli captives following October 7.

Taylor Swift is all about girl power. But apparently not when it comes to Jewish women.
The pop star has remained conspicuously silent about the sexual assaults carried out by Hamas terrorists against their Israeli captives. In fact, Swift hasn’t publicly spoken about October 7 at all. What is she afraid of?"

(Breitbart): NG: Taylor Swift Busted as Woke Hypocrite on 5 Activist Issues: Climate, LGBTQQIAAP2S+, Feminism


I am re-looking, searching through the huge IMDB site where I saw this "IMDB choices" best movie ==etc but I can't find the ugly pot-bellied bald middle-aged/senior creepy-looking ugly white trashy 4th reich concealed Nazi who controls what and how is considered promotional-worthy for the good little brainwashed sheeple to be programmed into more of the 4th Reich trickery disguised as being compassionate and brave and courageous. I still must emphasize that for at least a decade many of the top movies have come out with ideas stolen by ME--YES ME, but how can I have proof of this when my internet is hacked, it is probable that my ideas which were stolen were deleted from my Facebook and perhaps from my blog (many of the ideas that have been stolen came from my Facebook posts that I wrote years ago--I remember all)_

I wrote this blog as a testament to the violence, sickness and the corruption and the absolute death cult violence associated with this egregious misuse of mind control technology, teleportation and the putridity of the people who have been put into lead positions. They have stolen my ideas for so many years and have been championed by sites like IMDB who hosts and honors the most violently nasty who assault me. 

I can't find his photo but I suggest that it's not just the ugly bald white male but also are black Nazis and a host of Jewish Nazis as well and whatever other colors of skin or appearance are possible they are included as well.


I always sought out alternative media and music and I find in this situation that all is blocked from me. Alternative music and scene used to be almost free but now it's impossible to find any longer (I am partially paralyzed the poison is a deadly situation and I fight for my life to get it out every day while I fight to get people who are deliberately killing me with intention --mens rea--for any law student--but so far, I only get rotten filth politicians vying for media attention who rush to join in. Yet....I look at these sites because like what I never cared about all these years --like the Trump tv show, which I dismissed within 5 minutes of watching it that Trump was another bigot blondish Nazi being glamorized on tv. Yet when I had been tortured, poisoned and terrorized by so many of all stripes, colors and outward posturing affiliations, I clicked on the Facebook photo and post about Trump and I got "Four More Years" of terrorism but directly dumped on me by the president of the United States. Not that this situation has brought any focus on this terrorism being stopped and that it somehow has brought a near collapse of what is called "Democracy" upon the United States government. No, they all just let it go on and on and the terrorists from the "liberal" side under Biden have been glorified, as the terrorists from the Trump side--and wait! They are one and the same--the politicians are likewise fully in bed in any way they can with the celebrities and whether it's an outright "dictator" aspiring politician like Trump or the "I care about Black people so much" Biden--

So IMDB is just the same.


One hears only that Breitbart is some kind of ultra fascist Conservative joke of news reporting. In the cases of exposing the bs artists of Whorewood, this is ACCURATE REPORTING and it's like a breath of fresh air.


And the comments in the Breitbart section--I don't know if they are some scriptwriter's job or actual comments from the Breitbart "normal" citizenry, but it's like a cherry on top of a shit sandwich to read these comments as the shit sandwich is the celebrity shitsters who are exposed for what they are by the "opposite" news source--breitbart. 

I will just copy and paste--it is the best comedy I have heard today--love it!


I'm a HUGE Kansas City Chiefs fan, but I don't give a rat's rear end about Taylor Swift. I tune in to watch football, not some low-talent bimbo sellout.

Yeah she sold that because she wanted to be in country music and as soon as she got fame quit the business moved over to pop music. The country thing was just a way for her to get into the business and all of a sudden all her thoughts changed because in 2010 she hinted she was Republican but by 2020 was 

endorsing Democrats.

The IQ of anyone in the pop music industry is suspect. It’s the PR firms that create the performers & sell their image to the public. T Grift has excellent promotion ppl. She herself is an ADHD narc goofball who leaps in & out of relationships & always ends up getting dumped - by every guy she’s been involved with.

The parties are both the same and they overlap on issues. It's all a joke and our political system is broken. If it wasn't we'd have traitors on both sides on the guillotine.

T Grift is a hardline liberal nutcase who promotes causes she knows nothing about. She shills for abortion, grooming, the trans movement, Jackwagon Joe Bidumb & anything else left leaning that she’s told to spout off about by her handlers.

Ugh. Listen to the newer "music" So much of it is synthesized pre-recorded garbage; especially when the "performer" is more known for the dancing or writhing than for SINGING and playing an instrument

Singing? More like moaning and whining

Remove auto-tune and she’ll sound like any twit in a bar on karaoke night.

Wrong. Her fans are like cult-members, whose only occupation and hobby is being one of her "followers."

Nonsense. Fans are morons, all of them, all the time. The mob, the herd, the pack. The single most destructive social phenomenon in human history.

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