"William Cooper--Lansing Michigan Lecture (1996)". I cannot comment on the political import or correlations to the very current moment in U.S. and global history. The connections and correlations between the individuals attacking me from H-wood and Congress and n the streets so adhere to the philosophy and statements and imagery (in their film) and in their behavior. Yet to point them out in this blog would invite more torture, and it's never-ending no matter what as it is. //I also could not comment about Cooper's lecture, ideas, philosophy beyond a mere few paragraphs due to the impossibility of functioning (keyboard hacks constantly blocking typing/DOS attacks going on and on every few seconds sometimes/ my brain not able to concentrate due to the tech blasting my body and brain. I can only write a short amount at one sitting and that is polluted with so many attacks and then hacks/rewrites to discredit and alter-delete-rewrite.

"William Cooper--Lansing Michigan Lecture (1996)". kip399. May 24, 2012.


This lecture encapsulates in a semi-succinct manner all that I am fighting against and which has proven to be 100% accurate. I do not condone all that Cooper states, such as his pseudo-religious negation of homosexuality. And while I am not oriented in that way, I have worked for my Uncle's gay magazine out of Phoenix and interviewed people on whether they believed their sexual identity was a socialized product or if it was an innate orientation. They all clamed they were born with this sexuality. I do not say that Cooper is wrong but I do not agree on that point. Everything else is like a clear waterfall of beauteous truths and ideas cascading in a lovely outpouring of a clear and resonant understanding of all that is propping up this hate system that so many people just follow because they will be awarded. They think not. They analyze it not. They love being able to target, they love "witchhunting" they love torture. They get paid in unbelievable prizes for it.

But listen to the lecture. I did not "believe" him when I first started listening to Cooper's Hour of the Time. I was looking for an analysis of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is the first of the Mystery Babylon Series that should have been immortalized as an audio gemstone of research and revelation about what subterfuge forces control and usurp and destroy and isolate and create the absolute organized chaos which rules the world.


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