The "woke" fashion/modelling/celebrity world truly hates the actual, real world "less fortunate class" woke alternative culture striving to find an antidote to their sex, sexist, fascist wealthy-only privileged white supremacist imagery. **The 4th Reich terrorist hackers turned my WiFi connection off just as I was publishing this post, which means the assessment truly is correct, and they hate this analysis because it's accurate. Plus, they want to censor my every intellectual thought and concept while stealing all from me, which is all the celebrities have been doing for over a decade, longer than that in fact. It ties into the image monopolization of profiting off human potential and alternative culture and imagery (detailed below). The 4th Reich is trying to only claim themselves as being the elite superiority group and every means of Machiavellian violence and subterfuge, hacking censorship theft and full support by the governance entities is fully backing this (every "oppressed" group included because when they do, they get "a piece of the pie" for themselves and their group. They then are fully indoctrinated into the paradigm. How Victoria's Secret ever obtained any leadership operating intellectually outside of this norm is a testament that all is not lost in terms of independent thinking and sales campaigns to reach those not included in the 4th Reich image of "impossibility", the fear-sales technique that you are inferior if you do not conform in every way. They then make it impossible for "you" to conform because they make the food that you need to be thin and healthy unaffordable and then poison your body with fattening non-healthy products which you can afford, for the majority now this is a huge problem. This ties into manufacturing of food and nutritional value, over-processing the soil in farming techniques and genetically-modified foods and preservatives which are like poison to the body, etc etc etc. My internet now is completely turned off by the hacker terrorists.

"Victoria's Secret says goodbye to Angels, hire Megan Rapinoe, Priyanka Chopra as ambassadors". NewsNation. June 18, 2021.

**I cannot download the link because this browser is being hacked. I have had problems logging into the Breitbart chat session below the articles and was successful in doing so on other browsers. My internet and computer are bogged with malware after only one day of clearing out the system in a restore function (I must do this every day if I want to have a somewhat normal surfing option on this hacked system/wifi). It requires at least 3 hours to do a restore function so I will only post this link below for now. Maybe later I will add the video once I do another restore in a day or two.

With all the processed foods that the body only stores as some unnatural form of cellulite--very little actual nutritional value. Plus an economy where people can't AFFORD to pay for organic, healthy food, people must rely on heavily starchy unhealthy foods even though they are packaged as such. I remember returning to America from having lived in a foreign country where the farming techniques seem to be less invasive of the soil, and the taste of the food was like blank cardboard. I could "taste" the paper boxes and plastic the non-tasteful foods had been wrapped and boxed in. I felt heavy and that I wasn't being nourished after eating. American food is extremely healthy for the mainstream. Therefore, it's a huge overweight population (plus a number of other factors/variables).
The fashion world learns to dehumanize anyone not wealthy enough to afford a gym membership and paying for extremely expensive organic veggies for their "slim" routines. Once the pig apes of Whorewood kept pumping hardening and bloating poisons into my body thusly they claimed that I was completely "not" (to use a very nice euphemism compared to the hateful denigration of the poisoning effect THEY created). The "elitist" stance towards the dehumanization of the poisoning effect upon the general population is the same thing. The fashion world only embraces "woke" when it's fascist, rape cheerleader bigot "models" want a bigger slice of the proceeds from their rape culture sexual titillation to entice men to make their women into sex objectification porn rape objects for endless sexual relationships that sometimes turn into domestic violence (see statistics on Domestic Violence, it's pretty high). There is a correlation. There is also a factor of men hating their formerly "sexy" women when the women become "fat". But they are forced to eat this heavy, non-nutritional food that the mass chain operation food suppliers and farming genetically-modified sources crank out.
The fashion world can't abide the empowering of women forced into these situations. They want women endlessly to hate themselves unless they can afford to conform to the dietary restrictions of a high-wage earner salad and organic food diet. Who can afford this for the most part? Only a small percent of the 4th Reich.
Thus, self-hate is being promulgated once more. I see it from the skanks who ordered this disgusting bloating poison be poured into my food and injected into my body, along with silicone injections to appear as cysts, cuts and mutilations of my body appendages (fingers, toes, broken, deformed) skin slathered with damaging poisons EVERY DAY for decades and it's still ongoing and the list is very long. If these "people" who are connected to the upper tiers of the "power" structure are doing this to me, you can be sure that it's a more ubiquitous source of distancing the affluent from those striving for their own self-empowerment. Victoria Secret sales "plummeting" is probably an edict passed down, trickled down, from the mostly male higher echelon of the 4th Reich to the minions who follow orders on what to say, what to wear, how to look, who to attack, and what to buy which companies to empower and which to block and discriminate against. Just as they do with targeted people and groups.


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