Sort of journaling about the chaos. Many thoughts, like poison, need to detox out of my system. As I am stuck isolated and now a social outcast, I can only write and I know that enemies are reading this or people interested but can't do a damn thing to stop this torture. Maybe one day you will all be brave enough to actually do more than talk and talk about how righteous you all are.

 The attack on my heart has blessedly stopped. It always comes back. They stop a torture only temporarily. It was killing me. I "forgot" to write in my last post (on my other Vignettes Blog #2) today that I would swim 4 laps and my heart was pounding and painful, heaving for oxygen. That is how dehabilitating the attack on my heart is, especially whenever I try to exercise. My body is so stagnant and broken down from these attacks. The poison never comes out of my body. I look at this tub of stinking black goo and hard black shell material stuck into my spine and like a turtle shell enmeshed into my back and skin tissue--it's a most heinous crime of torture that of course the U.S. Government ordered put in my body, I now realize.

After I wrote my post yesterday about MAGA Mike the promise of the same old same old but amplified, he kicked at me with black rage and hate in his eyes. I bet he's waiting for his promotion for that display of hate aimed at me. I am now the most targeted person I have ever heard of considering the numbers of politicians and celebrities, hundreds of thousands of people stalking and hitting me with cars and poisoning my food and going into my home to poison and destroy and steal and make stinking and filthy. 

At this point, they have proven they are so despicable that I have lost absolutely all respect for anyone participating in this most disgusting and sick situation. 


Yes, the "good Christian" is kind enough to lower the deadly torture, although he's snide and smug and violent because I wrote some criticism. I listen to a type of music when I exercise which has been labeled "Witch House". When I first heard of it, I wasn't interested in the title and thought it was Goth music amplified into occult cultism. Then I discovered that it's the perfect workout music for me because of the slow, gooey style heavy sound of the synth and string sound with a back beat that I can count the exercise to, but it's not like House music with the harsh thumping at the forefront. I must stretch so carefully and slowly and the music is perfect. I don't really care about the words but I find the words absolutely intelligent most of the time. I was of course accosted by "Good Christian" Maga mike for the music because it is called "witch", and therefore, another thing to label me for, and the witch hunt now can use this type of music as more justification that I am somehow bad and deserve poisoning torture rape mutilation torture beatings abuse my home stinking and foul my ideas stolen with bigot fascist Nazis threatening to kill me for reacting in rage and writing some angry words on my blog after they poison rape beat abuse steal my ideas block my finances and have stolen my cat broken my toe made my hair fall out permanently it won't grow back; severed out part of my uterus so my hormone levels are now completely out-of-whack, which of course if more of the aging and deteriorating process because the bigot skank whores of Whorewood have to scream that they are so much more beautiful after a decade of so much poisoning I can't get it out. And more and more--slicing into my cuticles smearing poison on my skin and hair every day for years. On torture every night with rape and abuse as my body is mutilated permanently. Stuck with stinking poisons that have hardened into my body as they kept poisoning me and laughing and giggling all the way to the Oscars year after, while of course stealing ideas I wrote of analyzing how corrupt and abusive and violent these rapist celebrity scumbags are. I must add the politicians are the actual really violent people and the endless war economy proves it. So I can't get this poison out. My body is so racked with mutilation and poison, it's always disgusting to look at. The poison remains, I fight and fight. I spent about 2 years doing almost monthly 10-day Master Cleanses as the filth like pig pit and shitalina and maggot robber ordered more poison so I just spent my life fighting to heal as they kept murdering me. But I wrote in my blog and on my Facebook page in rage about this, and that they should not keep on "winning" top awards every year that they attack me, the intensity of violence increases every year, this time of year until the last dregs of abuse culminate in the filthy of the French fascists in Cannes. But me writing about it is cause for almost a frenzy of violence and abuse. 


When I finally pray for their deaths, they then torture me and make comments and threaten my life for praying for them to die.


Maga Mike has so generously out of the goodness of his religious faith stopped some of the torture. I know it must be him because no other politician or celebrity has done anything significant, if anything at all. I still am in shock at how sick and deranged and violent and dumb and sleazy and ugly and sick that entire group is and how sick America is, in general.


I never want to go back to that shithole america, Maybe it will be bombed now by Iran or some irate Muslim country (but with Europigape fascist Nazi backing, and believe me when I say that they have been behind the Middle East non-stop fighting (Israel-Palestine) for as long as Israel has been in existance. 

That Americans have followed in this Nazi protocol is still sickening to contemplate how disgusting America is as a fascist repository of foul and murderous crap all feigning that they are following some Constitutional principle. I should understand that the homeless and the people stuck in prison their entire lives for having a few grams of drugs is that category of mass murder and a genocide upon the civilian population that this contract out on me entails, as well.

Every single fucker who teleports me has a most violent and murderous disposition towards me. The negation of my humanity, with endless character smears that have nothing to do with me but the cliches which these pig apes depend upon to claim their "superiority" only based on millennia of genocidal racism, systematic and entrenched.

And...of course, just now, my interhet has once more gone out. It goes out non-stop while I am trying to get anything done. 

But it always goes out when I am writing about the filth and sickness that is being forced upon me.


How and when anyone will have any decency towards me I don't know. They have been told to hate, they have stolen my ideas because they are sick and stupid and rotten, the politicians are completely into this violence towards me, every single one of them (the list is very long of those who are supposed to be responsible). I always forget to mention that Bernie Sanders has also attacked me. I wrote of it earlier but his name escapes me. He is supposed to be one of the more decent humanitarians of the bunch of rot in Congress but that is, like the religious fundamentalism, also a fluke and you only get compassion if you don't actually really need it, apparently.


They have now made me old. The ugly dirty energy sucking piece of crap from London with this Australian dumb violent skank partnered with the endlessly violent sick and sadistic ignorant pig pitt the shit whore creep and shitalina--endless violence and destruction of my body and home and life from that pair of filth who have been pampered and adulated and awarded for the shit they have done to me and the ideas they both have stolen non-stop for years and years, parceling the ideas out to their "friends". 

Of course, behind them is the English pig ape scumbag who was murdering me over a decade ago as I never liked him, them or any of their movies or their art. I was not able to comprehend the uglinss and how inferior they truly are. How deceived I have been. I suggest that most people are completely deceived by this group. They are the destruction of America and possibly the world. Even while the country and the planet is on the verge of destruction people are still worshipping lying fucking pigs and whores like this crap assaulting me. I remain as usual with another fucking politician coming at me with violence. This one claims he is on a higher moral ground. I suggest that his higher ground is like a plateau on a low sinkhole of existence and the deception is actually not covering most people's eyes, but those who denounce him as not being as warm and fuzzy as he appears are themselves the bearers of wool that they also pull over the eyes and ears of the public. I can think of the names of the politicians but I've had enough of abuse from the pieces of shit for writing about how sick and disgusting and lying fake and rotten they are.

I am stuck with no home, no money (in relative terms, not like most of the targeted for slow death homeless that are dying in the streets as billions are being shunted out to Ukraine and Israel because the U.S. must have an Imperialist empire with shitty movies about superhero fucking pig apes who are evil and rotten crap out of Whorewood.


My brain or mind is always "adled" by this tech whilst I write. I can't keep track of the ideas I actually had intended to write. I go and delve into digressions and then totally lose all track of what I was going to write.

I remember only after I get off the laptop and leave this spot in front of the computer, as the tech influence wanes or is stopped.


Witch House music is not necessarily about occult "witch" concept or culture. Many may have adopted the musical genre into that spiritual aspect but I heard the brief "history" of this type of music and it originated in House music, thusly the term "house" for Witch House. It was called such because of the "witchy" sort of eerie sounds of the synths combined with a heavy, sort of Goth musical style. But, I was accosted by MAGA Mike today for listening to "Witch House" and that combined with the directive to abuse, torture, insult and threaten my life and laugh with the people who have raped and beaten tortured stolen my most cherished family member, my cat La Moux, and killed animals I took in and loved, and etc (see list above for a small sample of the years of this ongoing torture that never ends).

Because he has sort of "stopped" some of the most deadly assaults, or maybe not all, the poisoning is probably still ongoing but not as deadly as it was before. Thanks to Barishnikov. Otherwise the pig pitt and dumb ugly skank maggot robber and shitalina were poisoning me to death, literally and abusing me to death every day along with deniro and pesce and hillary clinton and etc et al the list is never-ending. Screaming with rage and hate and insults and death threats for me defending myself, for writing about their violence and crimes and analyzing what shit and sickness they are after YEARS of them stealing ideas mutilating my b ody raping abusing deforming and torturing me. For writing about their crimes and exposing how sick they are, a never-ending list of scumbag bots from Whorewood and Congressional Whorewood come screaming "they are my friends" as they all say and do the same things.


The "good Christian" was haraunging me about listening to "Witch House" which is his evidence that I am something horrid and thus deemed on the kill and torture list, slow death and my ideas stolen but me never having a chance and also the poisoning has kept me bedridden and stuck as they torture me endlessly as my body ages and breaks down (dying) they laugh about how much more "beautiful" they are as I scream they are ugly skanks.

So now Maga mike has some justification besides the usual antisemitism, although I am not really "jewish" and I don't give a damn about that religion, I really don't care about Israel but probably due to how genocidal and Nazi America is and most of the rest of the world, including fucking Israel which is completely overtaken by fascist Nazis controlling both sides of the problem with Palestine

but goddamn seeing how ugly and sinister the leadership of America is, how brainwashed the "jews" are and how eager and willing the ones put into prominent positions are to hand me over as a scapegoated witch to be raped beaten torture my ideas stolen my body made huge disfigured and then constant hate and violence from everybody non stop and never ending. All glibly handed over to the Nazis by the "good" Jews who then get to live in gated communities waiting for police and the Republican Party to rescue them if any Nazis try to do what they are doing to me, to them.


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