My first blog post for this "normal" blog diary. I have two others under this similar name, Vignettes Of Mind Control. The first one I normally use as a sheer violence/terrorist "report" page. The second post, with the same title but numbered 2, is more of the analyzing and philosophical commentary on social and my personal psy-ops attacks. This is is a sheer "normal" diary in which I do not want to delve into some sticky murky hate contract of brainwashing microchip implant and torture protocol but instead I would rather enjoy a vacay into "normal" thoughts. Since I am inextricably linked to the terror protocol system, of course the issues will merge.

 What a glorious Life. I have to decode all the hate and misery atound me directed at me constantly. I must deflect their unwarranted hate into a projectile projection of their own psychological trauma and the patterns of oppression and scapegoating and racism and sexism AND totalitarianism AND Imperialism AND fascism AND AND AND

in order to replace their projected violence of my own self-programming for self-denigration and destruction into what they are at heart and in their hearts of darkness, piercing out the flesh wounds and not allowing the poison to penetrate me as far as interior sanctuary is concerned for my own mental preservation. I'm not flipping everything around psychologically, but understanding how precious life is and how beautiful it can be, which the hateful parasites are trying to steal completely from me, and once they steal it and promote only themselves into the luxury happy life an dmake everything possible around them polluted to death and miserable so they can puff up in a grandiose pig-sniffing-the-air posture claiming they are truly, innately, "superior". Unfortunately, they have mass murdered so many people who would have tried to sustain life and equanimity on the planet and restraint and philosophical complexity and depth that only the hate organization remains in power, representing both sides of any conflict as money is poured on both sides to fuel the general conflagration.


However, in my little niche on this planet, I must learn to focus on this meditation on the beauty of life and my absolute great luck in this universe to be alive and living as a sentient being on a terra firma.


Meditation techniques are now an ancient ritualistic life-grounding principle and practice that I must commit myself to, on this most arduous and painstaking  journey into self-control over their electronic technology which asserts itself into the nervous system like sticking your finger in an electric socket and you absolutely cannot help flailing around with the current coursing through you.

Zen masters, meditation gurus, people who work every day to control their minds learn to also control their nervous system, heart rates and beats and then seemingly surmount impossibilities of the body--such as being able to not breathe for long periods of time, controlling heart beat, and there are accounts of the "masters" who could control their bodies to the degree that they could levitate. There is yet to be any evidence of this in our modern televised world, however. All the stores of monks in meditation levitating are never backed by evidence and then only anecdotal.



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