A cold frozen city without palm trees. Open-minded to change, and attempting to create more harmony and inclusivity and justice for peaceful means of resolution. After a reaction of "outsider" violence stoking looting, burning and destruction to private business-owned shops and vandalism. It was reported that outsiders came to join in the protests and began some of the fires and then left abruptly. Similar to accounts of buildings burning to the ground with fast-spreading fires that could not have been accidental or started by unprofessional demolition fire igniters, so Cooper claims in the video below on this topic. as he had worked in various military branches utilizing incendiary weaponry.// On The riots of George Floyd Murder in Minneapolis as compared to the LA Rodney King Riots.//Yet another reason Why I tried to get back to Minneapolis from the LA terrorist cartel.// Is Minneapolis an exception to police brutality in the wake of the looting and rioting accompanying an "extra-judicial" killing of an unarmed civilian--George Floyd--and the attempts to quell police brutality by the Minneapolis City leadership. How and why Minneapolis may be one in a million cities which in the first place super-charged a rebelling against murders of minorities by police with resulting changes to Criminal Justice policy.//William Cooper's Hour of the Time Rodney King Broadcast (January 6, 1993) notes: how to diminish political corruption in Congress advice by Cooper. Ensure by law that politicians can only serve one term in office. Reducing the need and greed of being re-nominated politicians will have less incentive to get sold and bought for their next campaign. Perhaps they will not accrue as much disconnect to the people who put them in power. //This restriction could also incentivize politicians to plunder as much and as quickly as possible, or form alliances where they can still funnel money through their partners in their party so once connected they remain at the teat of graft money.

Please listen through the entire podcast of William Cooper's "Rodney King L.A. Riots" in order to get a much more full and comprehensive and analytical perspective of infiltration agents, government efforts to create moral panics and destruction in order to enforce a tightening of surveillance and control mechanisms upon the country (i.e. warrantless, Unconstitutional searches by police, resulting "No Knock Warrants" and various loosening of policies designed to protect individual rights in the aftermath of such societal explosions on "minority" communities. Cooper also discusses the cocaine drug trade and police participation in creating a supply chain for that illegal trade. He does not cite authoritative sources however, which is unfortunate. Because he worked as an Intelligence Officer for the Office of Naval Intelligence, in the classified documents debriefing position for the Pacific Fleet High Command, I "trust" in his analysis. His resume also includes having been the president of a college, underwater diving leader (I believe he owned this business). There is a very long list of his credible life accomplishments.  His concern for the deterioration of the United States, which he had debriefed with his access to Top Secret and highly Classified information he condensed into chunk-sized information bytes to his military and General "superiors" in rank gave him daily access to plans that the U.S. Government intended to pursue in the upcoming decades. Cooper has been highly criticized and discrediting in the media and is now ignored, however those who are diametrically-opposed to his anti-fascist stance have stolen is ideas and even the songs he plays for their rallies using the same terminology and rhetoric, but twisting it into their hate-based fascist and authoritarian speeches and platforms. So please give a listen. Because he is a white male do not assume he is racist or part of a highly conservative conspiracy theory subculture. The conspiracy theorists took much of Cooper's ideas, statements and even slogans and after Cooper's assassination BY POLICE in Arizona this became almost a standard for the "Alt-Right", which Cooper never belonged to in any semblance, shape or form except that he was a part white male with American Native heritage as well. He was threatened with death and so was his family because he married a "Chinese" woman and had a half-Chinese-American daughter by the "Patriots" who wrote scathing death threats to him in bulk mailings. 

"Rodney King L.A. Riots--Hour of the Time #3--William Cooper". RABBLE. June 3, 2022.

"Three decades after Rodney King's beating, police reform in Los Angeles remains elusive". PBSNewsHour. August 30, 2022.


"Two Years After George Floyd's Murder, Minneapolis Is Still Struggling to Redefine Policing"

Minneapolis agrees to policing plan overhaul forged after George Floyd’s killing


 Otherwise, the podcast held a lot of insightful and informative detail as to how the U.S. Government creates a racist divide with various politicians ensuring that riots remain as a form of political protest. After the wake of destruction and chaos and loss of business with a moral panic ensuing, people will be crying for more government control, so Cooper relates in his podcast.

He cites one politician in particular who refused to issue a call to cease the rioting in her district of Los Angeles. This woman, I recall, also made a call in her trip to Minneapolis during the George Floyd trial, urging a drastic reaction if Derrick Chauvin was not convicted of murder and incarcerated for any appropriate long length of time.

Congress denounced her involvement but did not censure or outright stop her but certain members did make open statements about the illegitimacy of politicians making such public calls to VIOLENCE as in the continuation of looting and rioting.

As this politician is not from Minnesota, I think she had various expectations that may have been more feasible in Los Angeles. As far as I know, the crime rate spiked in Minneapolis after the reduction of the police force by the Mayor Frey. People then called for police reform and I think, I am not sure and should check, that a rehiring of a police force has come into being after the car-jackings and crime in white suburban neighborhoods; a "shocking" life-style change so the tax payers were demanding an increase in police presence, perhaps higher than what had been in existence prior to the "Defund the police" drive which Mayor Frey "experimented" with.


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