Organized Mind Control, "voice-to-skull" murder instructions rendered subliminally with a huge dose of psycho-drugs ( not sure which term to use--psycho-active? highly brain-altering drugs to render a state of psychosis, susceptibility to programming and mental illness simulation thusly the target is labeled as being "crazy" and believes it himself. In the situation of mass population mind programming to self-destruction (see clip from U.S.Congress below, the labels of crazy are inserted into the need for more violent control for a police state aka the 4th Reich fascist death squad State).//used as a societal weapon by the unscrupulous, a force which is in great abundance in society, creates and generates a simulation of neurosis and schizophrenia which can then be labeled as "mentally ill" when the target lashes out in "ultra-violence" or other forms of mind control (for me it's the sensation of either extreme love or hate for people abusing and raping me or attacking me, all completely out-of-proportion and not aligned with my real, internal sense of moderation or thermostat). //The making of Crazy in Maine with another mass shooting (he heard voices in his head telling him to kill, kill and shoot--I predict it was an operation for an agenda. Sorry for the conspiracy theory but I do know a lot about mind control, not as much as all information but I do know that one can be absolutely "forced" into an action if the action has been programmed into the psyche of the target who then performs the deed that was instilled through mind control). This is about crazy-making, this post and the dysfunction of American society for those not financially-equipped nor able to be equipped due to the covert discrimination that appears as just the end of Affirmative Action and all the other crises ongoing without end, all constructed for a purpose. The need for more force to quell those who are made crazy +//In defense of Cory Bush in this instance--this is not really about politics. It's about quality of life and the contrast of relatively police-free Thailand (in Phuket, with millions of tourists per year and you never see a real police presence, never hear about mass shootings, never hear about homeless run amok and drugs and street gangs (but of course they exist) but not like a plague as it is in America the lost sunken land of the free plantation to enslave:// The crazy-making is intentional in carzy-making in Krazi Amerikkka the 4th Reich Imperialist colony.

**It is reported from the suspect being interrogated on the Maine mass killings of the past day, and his response was *classic* mind control detail. Hearing voices telling the target to kill or perform an action. This is the subliminals pumped into my "inner ear" cochlear and subconscious/unconscious which can even make me repeat what they are instructing me to say while I'm blasted with electrtcity so I can't just be calm, meditate, count my breaths and withstand the electrical current being aimed into my brain and body. The shooter claims he was instructed to kill. I believe he had a military background. This would be another "classic" mind control target, someone who belonged to a violent institution and was trained in killing then programmed to go out into the public an do the same. See Manchurian Candidate (the original version, and even the newer version with one of the terrorists who is a violent murderous person along with his daughter who is even more callous and sinister but plays every kind of egalitarian for the public (a true psychopath) but the father was one of the lead characters in the more modern version, along with the blonde bigot woman who also assaulted me. They all love this brain implant technology to destroy lives and suck out and claim they are superior as they are paid in millions and indeed--billions to perform these actions of presenting a kindly face and glaring in hate drooling with venomous violence when they have a collective hate group backing them as a collective (not just doing it for the money). The Maine shooter could be identified as a potential mind control "Manchurian Candidate" and boxes could be checked off just from the description of the Morning Joe details presented--and of course, this blog page with one of my gmail accounts is being hacked and blocked from downloading any videos so I can only present the link. This applies, this crazy-making societal conditioning aka behavior modification programming--is on a very large scale. 

Morning Joe, October 26, 2023

Manchurian Candidate (ending clip) (1962 version)

This scene is a bit "over the top" but it's not far-removed from the disorienting and zombiesque quality of mind control. The target, from my own experience as being such, appears functional but is disassociated from connecting various "dots" of cognition. Still, the target appears "normal" and can be "blamed" for actions that have been programmed.


"'She is Part Of That Radical Left': Mike Johnson Does Not Hold Back on Excoriating Cory Bush ". Forbes Breaking News. May 29, 2023.

**I am being hacked and cannot download this link to the blog and make it appear as video so here is the link--and I'm sure all you little groovy kiddies can figure it out.

There really does not need to be a violent society but it exists because this criminal organization which has killed off members of my family through their covert drugging death squad operations, and they block health care. They poison and drug people unbeknownst to the receiver. They make people absolutely crazy with brain-altering technology, subliminals, disgusting food lacking nutritional value, movies selling murder and mayhem and crime (it's the same in Thailand but they are emulating the "West" and America in particular in that respect--just wait for Thailand to "catch up" to a crazy dysfunctional society.


When Cory Bush reveals that people need care, they need a warm and nurturing society, she blames the Republicans for the ills due to their policies. I must disagree only in that so many Democrats truly agree with so many of these deadly policies although they make much ado to the contrary when pressed in front of public promotional opportunism.

The society in general wants to inculcate a misery and desperation, particularly amongst the brown and black and "outsider" white communities. It is, in fact, an unwritten code of (lack of) ethics for the overtake of society's goods and all impropriety is nurtured amongst the unwarranted "leaders who truly do not deserve such positions for the purpose of creating such dysfunction through these death squad groups so as to "cull" the population, put them in prisons with all the draconian penalties and financial insolvencies and catastrophes that they actually engender and privately endorse. Their outsourcing of jobs was one of the biggest boons to the wealth gap and then the technology that is being inflicted upon me is also making other people absolutely go crazy. 

There needs to be a caring and gentle aspect to society but instead the criminals of H-wood are endlessly paid in billions to promote a false sense of security. People actually do not believe in what they understand implicitly to be a fake ruse, but the desire for a society based on these principles keeps people buying the fantasies that are slung out by the gospel of lies celebrity death squad propaganda artists (using that term loosely).

That is one of the prongs which controls the mayhem of American society and it trickles down into the outright death squads of Mexico with their extremely brutal cartels, to the delight of the 4th Reich lounging Nazis in their gated luxury mansions outside the fray of the violence they secretly support, whether they realize it or not.


So too, internally, the push for outright destruction of the fabric of society, with legal "drugs" making people overdose (how many people have overdosed with false fentanyl pain killers which they believed were actual pain killers not dosed with death substances? 

That is one example, but in contrast to a society that is currently being trained and manipulated into becoming another out-of-touch with Life and Love society, Thailand still has vestiges of safety and concern and loving compassion. It is not a "Buddhist" faith in itself but a simple pleasant air of what appears to be passivity to the bombastic Americans, but it is actually in tune with the rhythms of life and living in peace. 


The Republicans are going on a mass mockery of what Cori Bush detailed as a possible solution to the death and destruction. I think she described a pathway towards a more healthy society. She blamed the Republicans for most of the ills with their cuts of social services and tax breaks for the very wealthy (she did not include the tax breaks in this lecture, but it is implicitly there between the words she just didn't have the time in a 5-minute allowance to include that part).

The Republicans claim American needs police because of the endless "crazy" people they take no responsibility for having created. But neither do the Democrats, who blame the Republicans. The Republicans blame the people en masse for being "crazy" without any slight recognition that human beings when crushed in poverty and that violence is being constantly pushed into society, especially through Whorewood but also condoned by the government.

Likewise, the police brutality is almost subhuman in it's cruelty in the United States. I see this echoed in the death torture of the celebrities who are "supposed" to "represent" some kind of "elite" cultural awareness. As I write so often, the ideas they have been celebrated for, for the past decade, are ideas I wrote of which they stole. otherwise, the cruelty and delight in murder as they have tried with me, are still trying, really want to continue until I "break" and then they want to continue the violence to my death. It is the same as Derek Chauvin with his knee, and it's the same as the Republicans blaming the crazy people of America who require more and more police but the wealthy, oh how nice and calm and elite they are. They need to be protected from the people they have made crazy from their crazy-making prisons and "three-strikes" prison life-time sentences for a little pouch of crack cocaine with murder in the prisons and disgusting deadly infestations and many deaths in Rikers and in Fulton County Prison, etc etc.

They need police to protect the transgressors of decency who have sucked the life out of America but claim they are pseudo righteousness all wrapped in a cloud of pristine glowing correctness.


Oh yes, LAST BUT NOT LEAST is that Amerikkka is a WAR STATE which has funded billions and trillions of dollars to fund overseas wars many decades exactly since WWII appeared to bring in so much blood money and loot from all the victims, America is now addicted and the country is addicted to the drug of violence and chaos something akin to a perpetual war zone.

All the military funding of all the budgets is shoveled out year-after-year to endless sophisticated warfare technology. The budget for the endless torture against me is so unbelievably amazing in the scope of how many people are being paid and promoted just for attacking me, in the furtherance of crazy-making Krazi Amerikkka the 4th Reich fascist Imperliaist colony of you know that land across the pond where fascist Imperialism first originated (so I have heard, it probably stems from China, actually).

Yes, our military budget supercedes all concern for the homeless and the disenfranchised who are in a pool that increases every year until most of the Middle Class is dying and people are living on the streets and dying. Crazy-making leadership really does nothing about it except pass more resolutions to fund more 4th Reich countries trying to join the American 4th Reich (which appears to be just another colony of the English Crown as far as my terrorist operation appears to be fully controlled by this entity, and of course all the other fascist counties neighboring that rock island of cold steal brazen idolatry and lascivious Romanesque debauchery. Yes, the Dance of the Red Death is being held in the halls of Beverly Hills and that Plantation system keeps planting the seeds of murder and death and glorified righteousness based on murder and power-force over the "evil" that is actually what those who project this false piety truly embrace, all the "evil". 


The culprits claim that the targets of crazy making are so inherently crazy they must have more police and deadly force to deal with their problems which have nothing to do with any of the above-mentioned variables in the formulation of the destruction of the United States for a small Plantation elite ownership system. The intended "slaves" will be brainwashed by Whorewood to "lov" their abusers who create the problems, who are there to "rescue" them with more police in the police state operating for the plantation of the 4th Reich colony that Krazi Amerikkka the 4th Reich plantation colony has created. Let's not forget all the crazy "liberal" Democrats who actually fully create a false diversion from these facts of the decline of the safety of America in the first place. If it weren't for the Democrats, Mike Maga would never have been elected for Speaker of the House. They should be blamed for assisting in this, under the guise that somehow they would elect their own into that position but they are incapable of "doing the math" and thusly they just happened to grease the way for a complete 4th Reich operative who will further promote Trump who is one of the favored of the 4th Reich to implement their destruction of Amerikkka (how the Europigapes are working to achieve this who are attacking me, with the full assistance of the Americans who yearn to become as Europigape fascist Nazi/Mafia as possible leaving behind country and a system the they used to become the icons of American justice which they are throwing to the dogs of war to defile and destroy.


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