DON'T TRUST the 4th Reich movie coming out about Golda Meir with the English bigot actor playing lead role and genocidal 4th Reich Whorewood funding and producing another psy-ops rendition intended to redirect attention away from the actual facts so people will love the historical Nazi puppet put into power, played by a rabid nazi bigot and undoubtedly produced by her English 4th Reich British Israel genocidal Europigape-American collaborative fascist faction.//Valley of Tears and years of planning for a repeat invasion: I know how this "system" operates because I grew up in it and have been victimized and nearly been killed by all kinds of 4th Reich Nazis, including "Jews" put into leadership positions in all walks of life, who almost feverishly follow the orders to attack and kill given them by the Nazis they adore who then "allow" them to have careers, nice homes and relative security against death squads which are rampant in the world, now openly so in the United States://The 4th Reich began inducting it's new genocidal regime leadership immediately after the demise of the 3rd Reich. Anyone put into power must necessarily conform to the edicts handed down and "follow orders". I do not think or believe that Golda Meir was an innocent who just happened to be put into this position of power. She followed orders because she was put into her position because she did just that. Under orders, she was told to step-down concern over a potential attack even though the intel gave signals to the contrary, she was advised and almost let Israel become a bloodbath, as intended by the 4th Reich Nazi cartel.//How Golda Meir almost lost the State of Israel due to lack of diligence, a horrid team of advisors, and her buckling to pressure.

**I only include this video below because it is a brief synopsis of the war which is almost the exact situation happening now with this war in Israel. I do not endorse all the viewpoints I only submit it as a general timeline of events.

 "The Yom Kippur War: Behind The Valley of Tears/History of Israel Explained/Unpacked". Unpacked. May 2, 2019.

"Valley of Tears/Official Trailer/Max". Max. November 3, 2020.

It was the strength of the solders who saved Israel from certain defeat during the Yom Kippur War 50 years ago. Don't believe the bs movie coming out glorifying her. In the Israeli tv series "Valley of Tears" the Israeli soldiers bemoan the lack of leadership under Meir and the ensuing military orders under her rule also ruled out certain survival for the soldiers surrounded on all sides.

They prevailed under odds that were intended to quash the Israeli Forces and yet they endured. through superhuman endurance and courage, facing certain death.

Just like now, 50 years later, they ignored warnings of an attack by intelligence officers and followed what the Israeli government under Meir instructed them to do. Enjoy the holiday, leave your positions and go on holiday. Most of the forces were at their homes when the attack occurred for at least the first, few pivotal hours of the Yom Kippur War. Just as now, the military and population was completely unprepared for this invasion.

One must ask the question, who is giving intelligence reports to these various leaders in these specific situations, occurring 50 years apart and almost identical in the shock surprise attack scenarios?

Right now, it is Israelis civilians slaughtered in their homes, forced to march naked in the streets gestapo style and kidnapped to Gaza territory to be filmed in demoralizing and inhumane situations by Hamas soldiers. Commentators and spokespersons say this is very much like a German Nazi genocidal emulation by Hamas. I wonder if all my years of posting about the Western terrorists in celebrity positions and their partner politicians have made any mark on anyone's memory from all these years of me being tortured and attacked and mutilated raped and beaten by openly genocidal Nazi-hissing Americans who partner with genocidal fascist, anti-American Europ-a's fully aligned with covert Nazi organizations which Americans might label as "Dark Money".
I do not believe that the imitation of Nazi genocidal dehumanization of Israelis (Jews) is merely a coincidental imitation but planned and coordinated as such by their Western funding operators--who may or may not partner with the other Middle East countries funneling money into such terror and genocidal tactics.


The Series: Valley of Tears sheds some light in a semi-historical drama.
Do NOT trust the current movie version starring an English fascist murderous Nazi who has attacked me and profited off this hate contract genocidal Nazi sinister teleportation hell they are all laughing about, these bigots who teleport me non-stop every day to try to force me to become brainwashed Stockholm Syndrome compliant to what I consider to be a death goon squad overpaid for their Nazi iconographic hate movie propaganda with their Europ-a-land "handlers" handing out gold-plated sticks which they grab for more and more and more and more parasitic "fun" in torture and fascist Nazism. The Jews i know who are part of this cartel eagerly mete out as much violence as they can aimed at me in order to demonstrate their full and total compliance, mentally, physically, sexually, economically, etc etc. with Nazi programming and dissemination =genocide/Holocaust.
The movie portrayed by this rotten skank English actor undoubtedly pits Meir as a "victim" as the usual plot from the expletives of Wh-wood always use to actually promote murder and racism and death, always disguised as a victim plot of revenge and fortitude. I know that people in Meir's position were put there by the 4th Reich in order to advance their agenda. The only thing I ever heard from Germans concerning Israel, except for one single person, is that the "Jews act like Nazis" in disapproval and frowns. I know that money is funneled to Israel by the German Anglican Church, which of course is tied to the English Anglican Church--which began the claim that the throne of England is directly tied to the House of David and thus the English are the "real" God's Chosen saviors. What a sick joke.


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