Showing posts from March, 2025
The 3rd Reich (pan-Euro) Nazi fascists were PAGAN not "Christian. They obliterated Christianity and the most devout religious of the Jews to usurp politico-religious "authority". //I wrote a comment to a Youtube video stating that the Pagan influence of Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare was omitted from the authoritarian "discussion" by the white supremacist actors who played these roles; all of the only-speaking "actors" have been part of attacking me. The Nazi mentality of PAGAN mass murder, produced by American MAGa Steve Bannon was described as being "Christian" in them, or the "lesson" to be derived. I commented that the pagan worship of Saturn (aka Lucifer/Satan) and a Babylonian Goddess were the real religious influences mentioned in this "bloody" play. They have to skirt around the central theme of human mass murder sacrifice along the lines of ancient Roman (First Reich) power grab philosophy put into action--by the 3rd Reich and they want to instill this and have done it through the 4th Reich=mMAGA and all it's international partners. You could also call it Communist to supplement the Socialist flavor but American style it is Europigapeland aristocracy of wealth grab Iimperialism. Any critical analysis or questioning of their modus operandi is met with death threats--does that sound familiar in the modern context of today's "America" which, at the very mind programming level of Whorewood is saturated and controlled thoroughly completely by Europigape fascist Nazi control-over the Americans yearning to become monopolist "aristocracy" pushing and killing to usurp power. All aligned and brainwashing and programming the public for years. Titus Andronicus was produced by Steve Bannon and put out in 2011. Ever since, the take-over of Whorewood and the U.S. Government with lying corrupted fake political "heroes' littering (literally_ the landscape of politics and absolutely supporting death-threatening white rapist pig dumb scum out of EUropigapeland to inflict old school murder for any talent displayed from people "like me" which is why they all cant that they "hate America"; and indeed, they get the American to "hate" America and feel inferior with their endless "I recite Shakespeare you are just a stupid America" mind programming mantra that is repeated endlessly://The future of white supremacy==not a possible outcome of the "system" of tech torture and blacklisting discrimination--but the reality that is unfolding as you all do nothing to stop it. Welcome to dirty old men using torture teleportation to thwart anyone making a simple comment on a YouTube channel concerning the interpretation of a Shakespeare play. If you are not white, and in p articular English, you have no right to live if you make any comment that is outside of worshipping the standard of not having insight or any range of vision extending beyond what they dictate as the only interpretation. Only the white English men who are infiltrating Whorewood through the "I"m half English part German" fascist Nazis murdering bigots racist beyond belief with throngs of black jewish asian latino and the major "minority" demographic of Whorewood and of America at their backand-call to inflict filth hate torture and murder upon anyone they don't like who is not going to play the same "worship master" game. /
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"PIG DESTROYER--'The Diplomat' (Official Music Video)". RelapseRecords. October 30, 2012. "Guns n' Roses (Huns & Roses)--Welcome To The Jungle". Guns N' Roses. Guns N' Roses. October 25, 2009. I wrote one comment on a YouTube channel, I posted this a few days ago. It was concerning an interpretation of Shakespeare. I included concepts that I believed they were ignoring. The concepts reveal their own standard of "secret society" a la Nazi and fascist mind control so the concepts were completely bypassed Having ZERO people to talk to, literally I am surrounded by dirty ugly sick stupid people both from Whorewood, from Congress and in the "real life" of paralysis social isolation and the "stupidity" I refer to is the actual real-life personality basis that "they" operate on when they are not posturing as intellectual and artistic grandiose supreme and serene pontificators of synchronized bullshit as the...
Worse than the Oscars "slap" from the poor victim of racism black nazi a few years ago---this year's antisemitism was a joke displayed as everyone laughing and applauding the subtleties of programming hate. I only saw a few clips, I thought I might try to calculate how many of the featured people have assaulted me in teleportation or participated in the cyberstalking, any click I make means they get some promotion. (This morning, they turned my WiFi off as I was preparing food--meat so my hands were in oil and marinating seasonings--as they turned the WiFi off, I kept doing what I was doing as it slowly turned back on, and there appeared a group which has hacked many times in the past. Something i consider to be a most insidious Democrat "fake opposition" pundit for "The Left" but I have deemed them absolutely a diversion fraudulent side-car of the MAGA overtake of the election (I still believe it was rigged and some slight "evidence" has popped-up with little mention or nonein mainstream). //They appeared, I had unsubscribed and block them out. So they with all their surveillance hacked their "stuff" while my hands were in oil and meat inside a bowl, and when I finally dried my hands and tried to click them off, suddenly the video froze but the voices continued--so the faces were frozen, the sound track continuing indefinitely. I tried to lower the sound but nothing worked all was frozen and blocked. I had to keep trying to click and wait. After 3 minutes of losing my temper because knowing that they are hacking and forcing their video on me, somehow that means that if it is registered that their stuff is on my history they have allowance and permission to join into torturing me (which is murder). This happened many times this morning as the internet was turned off, I am extremely ILL from detox and I need to divert my attention from the death threats and violence of the teleporting MAGA HATERS who have been assaulting me since they were put in high positions by the current most infamous promoted terrorist who has obtained an empire out of torturing me--years ago, back in 2016 and his influence of abuse and Nazi torture and rape has not dwindled since then, under Biden it was just a load of top-ranking Dems who joined in, nothing more than a feeding frenzy on my life via torture and teleportation sex trafficking hate crime syndicated torture, mafia et al.
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"Crass--Reality Asylum". AnarchoAlan. June 23, 2007. "Crass--Big A Little A". Ibid (band) The Oscars--that was the point but I had decided not to watch it, but being so ill, the poisons at this stage of detox are extremely deadly. I literally feel death at this point and the awful stench made me wonder if it was cancer that is at the bottom of this endless pile of black hard poisons interlaced into my back and intestines skull into my spine which has been crushed on all critical junctions ---intentionally so, all done while I was in a deep comatose sleep state teleported with my consciousness teleported out of my "prime" body sleep state (drugged as usual into a near delirium, every day, most of my life). I saw the most insulting anti-Semitic "humor" comedy skit with Sandler which was his most obnoxious Brooklyn "Jewish" accent. Always playing the clown fool being laughed at, it's supposed to be funny but it's a statement abou...
When I was teleported (on multiple occasions, each time my anger and drugging mind control "got the best of me" but I was reacting out of being tortured and the sense of betrayal). //He suggested with a sincere look into my eyes that I should "work for government". I was so incensed (putting it mildly) about him and everybody else rushing to join into this contract to exploit me using sex trafficking 2.666 techno-tyranny and the hate crime of Antisemitism underlying the entire gamut of actors (in all sense, not just celebrities) but the "actors" in this drama (as in the World is a Stage, and for this organization, because they all follow scripts, it truly is). I come from a family of activists on my mother's side who conversely "sold-out" to the extreme. The schism between these polar opposites I feel must be rectified and that others must also play a role with one foot in the other "camp" in order to try to appease the death squad terrorism of the predominant organization which I have termed the 4th Reich, but when trying to perform an act of actual humanism towards a target, they also must play both aggressor and also secret "helper"--if anything, because part of themselves is trapped and "has to" be a part of the 4th Reich in order to play any role outside of the prevailing Old World of ---you know, do I have to say it out loud? At this point, any reference to it is discerned as being too "woke" so I leave it to your well-indoctrinated understanding of what you all are increasingly being literally "forced" into following point-black (at the end of a barrel of a set of various types of modern weapons and the most insidious are these mind control weapons which allow for "legality" for the 4th Reich but absolute murderous discriminatory violence against the targets while the "legal rights of citizens" has the appearance of sustainability and compliance.
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"The Atlantic writer says Trump, Musk wants to RE-SEGREGATE AMERICA". Roland S. Martin. February 26, 2025. Unfortunately, I cannot find a single "Jewish" commentator who analyzes race amongst the Jewish population. The white supremacy aspect of Jews is so embedded but kept a "secret" which, like all that the 4th Reich does, is met with threats and violence if even mentioned or referred to (in a whisper). That whiter-skinned Jews are instructed to discriminate against darker-skinned Jews is not openly discussed in America. I know it is extremely pronounced amongst Israelis that I have met in Miami (and Florida) and their behavior is nothing short of biased racism. That has been my LIFE-LONG experience (in New York it is absolutely open and expressed but without reference to skin or coloring it is just open hostility from "lighter-skinned" Jews). As a general, I do not know if that is true for the diaspora in Florida, New York or around the world...