
I stopped believing almost all that Anderson Cooper poured out in his newscasts long ago after non-stop hacking with his face, next to celebrities, etc. I doubted him long ago, I find his statement to be extremely prejudicial and biased (although of course who isn't prejudicial or biased) but still, for a news clip this is "damning" for public opinion There are many looking for any crack to continue to crank out the 4th Reich "opposite" perspective to the 4th Reich while fully "in bed" within the luxurious sheets while they f** the minds of the public with carefully injected seeds of doubt about veracity of any opposition. Normally they follow the accepted lines of resistance and fact-telling but like any agent provocateur, they inject doubt and hate at the most vulnerable moment of the process of swaying opinion.

  FOX NEWS: Anderson Cooper admits he 'absolutely' would have doubts about Michael Cohens testimony if he were on the jury -------------- VS "MSNBC Panel Discussion on Cohen Testimony Cross-Examination by Defense/May 17, 2024" (paraphrased title).   And while I doo not exactly laud other "liberal" platforms of news media especially when the anchors participate in terrorism of me in teleportation and then do not stop the poisoning and murder protocols, much less the anti-Democratic and fascist torture of me in any way, so as to retain their position in the 4th Reich whichever faction is put in power they play all sides and their aim is to retain their power--but nevertheless, at least there is attention to the poignant points of the prosecution as in the paper-trail of evidence. Cooper has simply discounted all in exploiting the singular point of weakness and neglecting other evidentiary points. So glad the jury is not Anderson Cooper and that some types of o

Ratskin arrives once more to fully support fascist Nazi terrorism and to join in and threaten murder of me for defending myself as he is awarded with another January 6th Documentary about how "Democracy" is his thang and he's a Bottom for Democracy (in the homosexual sense) just waiting for everyone else to be as f**ed as he is--but he will be "on top" of the Bottom because of his Jewish Nazi allegiance to fascist 4th Reich take-over in first the House, then he aspires to join the Senate with the really vicious and grandized white supremacist Nazis of the ilk who have viciously assaulted me and now fervently support a "Dictatorship". Ratskin rushes to threaten to kill me and call me the b-word in repetition for defending myself against death threats by genocidal-spewing filth from Germany and Latvia who are desperately clutching to assaulting me as long as possible for the mediocrity and bs they are barely incapable of cranking out into movie deals handed to them for demonstrations of Nazi allegiance--with Ratskin fully attacking me for being a deterrent to his "Liberal" ascension to "power" and a higher rank in Congress. NOT for his allegiance to "Democracy" but for his fascist Nazi collusion with this filth 4th Reich ever-increasing membership of the fascist Nazi/Mafia group in Whorewood inter-connected to Nazi parties of foreign infiltrating entities (the English Crown for one, and a host of other fascist Nazi agencies who operate as influencers and mind programmers via the media/entertainment/music mind control propaganda machine of controlling both sides of the supposed bipartisan slowly destroyed American CONSTSITUTIONAL REPUBLIC for which it stands but is failing.//Ratskin expects a lovely house in Berlin because the rotten dirty German skanks who are violently assaulting me for having watched movies they only performed roles they could care less about in "real life" as they all do (including the politicians who join in this violent system-for-promotion contract). Ratskin expects a mansion in Berlin now (one of the pig ape skanks from Germany lives there) he expects through her Nazi ":liberal" contacts in Berlin to influence the foreign-Nazi-controlled American media, particularly in Whorewood the greasy spoon of mind programming partnership with Congress--//I am a messenger conveying the concepts of Government take-over by "Socialist" forces, who claimed to be a Messenger, who cited the words of V.I. Lenin (ya know, the leader of the Russian Revolution, who put Stalin in power in order to "cull" about 80 million Jews, activists and anyone not conforming to the "pogrom" into the origination of concentration camps for certain mass extinction, aka "gulags". Lenin shouted out at his death pulpit, "Democracy is indispensable to Socialism". Right NOW this very moment I am dealing with a "Jewish" terrorist (as Lenin also was "Jewish" and had many Jews exterminated and Stalin amplified that fascist antisemitic push by a ten-fold amount, using Jews to isolate and then label, and then send other "bad" jews to their deaths in the precursors to the German Gulags, aka Concentration Camps. This man is coming right now from Congress, as he has been doing for YEARS and approving of virulently outright outspoken "kill Jews" Nazis, in particular those either tethered to Euro's or those from Euro-land (from the East, in a sense, it's much of a distinction in terms of death urges to exterminate Jews and take-over the United States through all the willing greed and grasping of the deregulated American selfish doctrine of wealth accumulation. In Congress, but helping to assault me with DEATH THREATS today and horrible names issued at me for fighting in my defense, telling him in no uncertain terms how brainwashed he is, and finally after more b-word insults from him and threats of me being shot and killed, with immature violent threats at me that junior high school boys would shout at the "minority" female and lavish praise upon the blonde Nazi girls--remember back in junior high the mentality behind all the "Democracy" rhetoric persists as that is the level the 4th Reich wants the targeted minion puppets to remain emotionally and psychically but because they obtain Ivy-League edumucations (sic) they pose in pig-sniffing-the-air postures and threaten me for being able to discount the bs they blather and the hate they spew at me for not helping them to easily obtain more documentaries (this filth creep has obtained since the years of him participating in this Nazi hate scheme against me, as he believes he is "privileged" and I tell him he is a puppet being used, a greasy dumb tool and I have explained how he is being brainwashed and used and programmed and he only threatens me with murder and destruction but listens nevertheless--the Repug dino dirty rapist league of Senators don't even listen they just violently scream--and that is the group this Rep from Maryland is dying to join and get out of the House where his constant distortion of "Democracy" an endless chant and refrain continues. He never talks about "Democracy" in the privacy of the terror unit violence upon me, but rather attacks me and allows the subliminal hate immature juvenile hate words to flow out through the brainwashed sieve of his well-"educated" mind. //It follows that Breitbart has published today some expose of how the CCP of China has sponsored the Pro-Palestinian protests in California (Uber Alles).

  (Breitbart Article below quote): "A report reveals that key radical left-wing organizations central in the current anti-Israel and anti-America protest movement are significantly funded and influenced by a network tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which seeks to advance a “revolutionary, anti-government, anti-capitalist agenda,” threatening U.S. internal stability." Major Report Uncovers CCP-Linked Influence Behind Left-Wing Anti-Israel Protests in U.S. j The report in question, I have not read about it's validity and which organization funded the "research" and analysis, so this could so very easily be a piece of propaganda. Regardless, there may be some kernel of truth in it, and from what I have seen, the endless yapping about Democracy to obtain promotions and to "fight fascism and Government take-over", for the J-6 committee and then resulting documentaries have been focused on the egregious affrontery performance of this same teleporta

A very serious warning (that no one has listened to really, for all these years. The years of mind control tech being spread around like candy to sadistic terror addicts may be used against Michael Cohen TODAY at the trial. The Trump Mind control terror death squad units may be gathering to form a mind control attack at the Election Fraud case (aka "The Hush Money Trial"): Concealed and likely terrorist attack at the Trump trial upon Cohen, I believe, will be transmitted with no evidence of a crime but the damage will be significant for the prosecution and the Cohen testimony (this could be considered a "conspiracy theory" except that the politicians who are rallying to rush to join in the trial have just violently used mind control on me just a few days ago, a few weeks ago, a few months ago, a few years ago--as usual no one has stopped them. Now the repercussions of that are that this trial, which is slated to perhaps change the outcome of the 2024 election, could be irrevocably skewed by the propensity of Cohen to "go off the rails" and those rails could be rendered asunder by remote mind control tech disguised as some innocuous object--James Bond Style--and aimed at Cohen to make him completely blanked out and discredited. If it happens, and Cohen has "lost his calm reserve" that so many are complimenting on at least from the first day, the second day is a promise of a storm of electromagnetic waves probably being blasted into his head by the very nasty MAGA MUCK Johnson I have been assaulted by for months and the rest of that gang (Trump since 2015)//A possible and I believe--probable--stealth terrorist attack could ensue unbeknownst to anyone but those issuing the mind control and perhaps the target unaware but not able to function clearly cognitively--when Michael Cohen testifies again. //What NO ONE is even considering about the mind control and the access being handed out to people exactly like MAGA M. Johnson, the unscrupulous Bible-weaponized terrorist who just assaulted me a few days ago, as exercise for the larger target with the most to gain from the use of the tech: Cohen while he is testifying. //I have tried to warn people for so many years, but remote tech combined with pre-poisoning of the target (let's say Cohen has a nice lavish restaurant "power" breakfast with his attorney at a posh restaurant near the trial area. I cannot begin to emphasize how MANY terrorist operatives there are who are easily handed tiny vials, with which they pour the clear and tasteless liquid (or if it has a taste, it is smothered in the drinks/food and the person being assaulted may never know even while dying from excessive poisoning the poison itself acts like a top layer of cellulite and hard tissue so the person believes they have some "aging" disease (as one ages they increase the murder poisoning to make the aging process appear as the culprit--and also the exploitability of the target lessens with age for the most part).//Cohen could so easily be microchipped already (thus his excessive talking) and he could be poisoned daily through various means. Please note that #45 obtained access to this "system" in 2016, or 2015. He has been spreading it,; as has the 4th Reich, so the vast numbers of nameless minions who will pour mind control poison into a restaurant fancy dish or into one's food at home (break-ins are far more accessible even with the most sophisticated electronic systems).//I fear that the remote tech will be portably carried by MAGA MUCK into the courtroom. The technology is very small. I am surrounded by people with "normal"-sized backpacks and bags where I feel instantly as they push into me my body under electronic assault, and I know my brain is under this attack with probable carriers of signals relaying the signals through a network of mobile phones.

"Speaker Mike Johnson to appear at NYC courthouse in support of Trump". MSNBC. May 14, 2024. While I have no access to the actual blueprints and technical expertise on the subject, I have decades of life experience as a target observing and taking mental note of how people do use mobile phones to conduct terror attacks to coordinate physical maneuvers and such.  The triangulation of a mind control energy source could be relayed using vector analysis software and directly aimed at Cohen through the seemingly innocuous phone that Johnson is carrying. He could write the subliminal commands to respond to the queries that the court is asking Cohen in order to distort his mental process. Also he could relay information and well-coordinated responses to the Trump team.   The "voice-to-skull" actually is a military tool that was posted on the U.S. Army website and then taken down. It is also called, "synthetic telepathy" by some (that would refer to the thought re

Winning creeps & What their Mommies taught them because their daddies abused the compassion out of them (+ little Johnnie 2.0): THE LOSING "WINNER" GAME & What their abused mommies taught their little Nazi lynch mob boys and girls & The "not loser" Superman Nazi strategy with Louis Lane learning how to be a real abusive man to be a "winner" in the "game"

  "Life Lessons from Mom". MohammedZoOka. May 13, 2024. @ around 6 minutes into the vid the nostalgia begins about "tough love" mommy with no compassion, who taught the abuser how to "win" and the lessons learned is actually the entire decline of America in that this mentality is truly the ultimate destruction of the society and the decency that is required to retain a cohesion amongst HUMAN BEINGS for any kind of sane society. I can assure you they call the homeless "losers" as they speak harshly about how they should just be swept up and thrown away (Nazi style): " CREEP --Radiohead". websofrytos. September 30, 2009. THE LOSING "WINNER" GAME: It's Mommy Day and the little boys of the Superman "Not Loser" Nazi 4th Reich are celebrating their mommy and nostalgia. What did they teach their little boys who remain infantile most of their lives? Well, in one case, he expounds on the lack of compassion his mommy showe

The Life-f** principle of the 4th Reich (except in Germany, oddly so use this as an example, German wanna be Nazis of the American 4th Reich instead of the death, kill, living death concentration camps of homeless and the control over the mind of mind control so you can suck and drain and use and abuse and exploit kill rape and plunder EVERYTHING forever--you hope: "I WANT WANT WANT WANT DEMAND MY LUXURY MY LONG, HOT SU LTRY SHOWERS MY FULL TUB OF WATER EVERY DAY IN A WASHING MACHINE and water and water and oil and gas and give me convenience or give me death!"// i CAN'T TAKE A smaller dose, how dare the radical liberals 'conserve" and take away my entitlement of endless water and disposable objects into the over-flowing garbage dump that the planet has become so they can have their luxury plantation lifestyles. //The sky is not falling, and I surely thought it was last night around midnight. A thunderbolt of lightening came out of the blue. While the clouds were gathering in expectation of a long rainy season, there was no storm forecast and the endless pouring rain is making it's slow crawl to the water-depleted tourist destination (urgent warnings by authorities of water depletion and to conserve water--that, is entirely due to the collaboration of luxury entitlement combined with endless "free showers" included in hotel price thusly the island is suffering--all part of the global crisis environmental potty chamber that the selfish consider the planet and resources and human life to be, all for the pleasure and luxury and entitlement . "Oh no!" They descry, "Limiting shower, washing machine and all comfort to a reasonable conservation level is just a blot on my happiness, and making my "Have a Nice Day" completely destroyed due to the "radical liberal nutcase explosion of fake news--oh no!" they cry out. //Yet, the sky was not falling due to what I thought was an abnormal crack of the sky. It was terrifying I thought this was surely a global warming crisis and that the atmosphere finally wanted to wreak revenge and tis was the sure residual energy accumulation of toxins and pollution and hate of the 4th Reich. But it was a solar flare, a rare one which appears to have fried some circuits (some place else) but in my region, it came as a fissure crack of the atmosphere but on a truly scary-to-terrifying level of serious ominous threat. That doesn't mean, however, that some of of the intensity wasn't due to global warming or pollution destroying the atmosphere, on whatever level (CO2 emisions, i.e.).

  "The sun just released a massive solar flare. What does that mean?" 12 News. May 10, 2024. ============ **Correction to the information above: the factory (Bauknecht) was in Leonberg, not Ludwigsburg. It has been over 25 years since I was there, and I mixed the name (due to my brain being blanked out as I sit here by the mind terror apparatus blocking memory and function)--but Ludwigsburg is there the Schloss Solitude is--a beautiful castle and a place I have been to for entertainment purposes and not work). It was more at the forefront of my mind, but the work I did at Bauknecht was pretty jolly with very intelligent and friendly Germans of an established rank so it was a good exchange of ideas and information. I was very impressed with their elocution of the water disparity between the heavy-water use American top-loading machines and the front-loading Bauknecht machines. You can see below the first clip after about 30 seconds the cycle begins and you see a very small amo

Hubris laughing at the Game of Death: (ignore this first statement--coming after these parenthesis-- because this post IS about the terrorism but I won't delete this sentence anyway due to demonstrating how no subject I attempt to write of is not inter-connected at this point to the terrorist regime--if I go beyond the mere superficiality of the topic.//A not-about-mind-control-death-squad terror attack/musing: My "theory" about how Bruce Lee may have been accidentally killed, after the performance in "Game of Death" (died the next day from inflammation in brain but probably also nervous system).

  "Bruce lee vs kareem abdul jabbar ITA". Stefano Conte. November 10, 2009. I believe that the video above is in Italian, but no matter because the point of reference I needed was displayed within the first 30 seconds of the opening shot of this sequence. Jabbar, towering over Lee, maybe 1/3 of Lee's entire body height, gave him a kick in the upper torso in which his footprint on the yellow shirt literally encompassed a diagonal length of Lee's entire upper torso, even extending a bit into his midriff.  Lee had been nearly paralized in the history of his Martial Arts career. He had been told by his doctor that he would not be able to perform any  more martial arts. Yet Lee, determined, performed a miracle, or at least it appeared as such. The delicate fragility of the spine and spinal cord, under such even "healed" stress points, can "crack" even on a slight degree under such an unexpected huge blow to the entire upper spine region, thus affecting

Civilisation and it's Discontents (S. Freud)://After having experienced the unjust, lying, hypocritical, punitive, draconian, twisted, sleazy, sick, evil deputy of MAGGot Robber Christianity--from the American most despicable lynch mob rule disguised as pristine "adopt a black kid" persecutorial affront---snake oil brimstone soul-crushing violent persecution. I understand how Satanism is so popular as a respite from the spite of the hate of the crushing spirit of the tyrants of the despotism disguised as "loving Christianity" completely usurped. //It is commonplace for the Luciferian Cult, which is at the ground stone base of the every Reich and Inquisition cult that has thrived under various Crosses and Broken Crosses and Swastikas (also usurped from other religions where that symbol meant primal life force and life-fire energy, success and triumph but then turned into a mass murder theft criminal operation basted over with gravy of pretense of some superman heroism, which in actuality exploit(s) to this moment the weak and they force people into weakness. All a distortion wrapped around deception. People would necessarily flock to the actual real intention of the downpreser Muslims and Sharia Law tyrants and lynch mob KKK "Christians" and genocidal Nazis with their Luciferian fire of eternal Reich for 1,000 years (it's already been in existence at least twice that long, already far over-cooked). I believe that the stsringent persecutorial aspect of these righteous falsity religions like the Magagot Robber I have just experienced (working "with" the Nazis especially from foreign countries or Americans alighed wiith fascist Nazi former Axis Powers). They use this most pretentious affront to religion with soul-crushing deadening and harsh violent destruction of the will to live and the conformity to actually push people into the Satanic and Luciferian cult that they actually are, behind the Crosses and all the Temples and Mosques and Synagogues. //When I see the politics of the international alignment hidden behind seemingly independent sovereignty lines, I understand that they are all interconnected not merely from trade partnerships or religious or bloodlines, but the central command structure orders all sides to instruct their easily dispensable pawn minions to perform acts of terrorism and sabotage or absolute violence simply because they have been programmed their entire lives to never think in any original way. The hidden and underlying actual affinity between them all is highly "evil" in nature, they are so oppressed that they turn to the abandon of lascivious violence whenever possible to alleviate the hate and psychological compression until in a mesmerized mass uprising of group violence they assault and rampage and kill upon any open crack in the false walls of security and demand for obedience to a system of absolute HATE claiming it is "Loving" and Christian/Jewish/Muslim and yes, even Buddhist.

  "Crass--Reality Asylum". AnarchoAlan. January 23, 2007. I do not agree whatsoever with this narrator's personal interpretations, especially regarding how "Christianity was the first system to organize societies of our modern world" (a great distorted paraphrase but essentially that at the center of society is Christianity---according to the commentator's analysis but his own interpretation which Freud did not write, but I had to add this. This was the only 10-minute synopsis and analysis I could find on a very short search on YouTube--the rest are over 1 hour long. Also, please note that I am unable to write with much clarity as the brain-altering tech (aka "mind control") as always happens when I write, is blocking not only the keyboard function but parts of my brain--as the mind control uses a form of compartmentalization to block various cognitive functions while the target appears at least nominally capable of mental function: "Civilisat